Enquire Within – Interview

UK bruisers, ENQUIRE WITHIN, are back with a stunning single and video, Final Seal, out now via Devil’s Clause Records. Watch the video, here – https://youtu.be/rkg-S1cSRsM . With the band on the up, we caught up with the guys to find out more:

What is the full band line-up, who sings and who plays which instrument?

Jacob Waller, vocals. Dan Lewin, guitars and backing vocals. Henry Waller, drums. Amelia White, guitars. Erim Ahmet, bass.

How and when did the band form?

The band first took form with Henry and Dan back in 2014. They met at school and started to jam, just guitar and drums. They’d swap every now and again and it was all just fun. After a few months, Henry wrote a song, and showed his brother Jacob who started writing some lyrics. Eventually they decided to write an EP in 2015. Jacob has been there ever since.

When and how did the band really start gelling and solidifying?

We really started to notice that we were all locking in with each other in 2022, post pandemic. We’d done the Under the Covers series with the current line up and played a few shows live as a 4 piece, but it wasn’t until Erim joined full time, that we were able to fully become a unit. it took, more than a few practices, and a couple of shows. The quickest way to click, we’ve found, is to get in front of an audience and really go be forged in fire.

Who are your musical influences?

That’s a tough question, we all come from very different musical backgrounds. On the whole, we’re influenced by the 90’s new wave of American heavy metal. You know, Machine Head, Trivium, Lamb of God- I’m sure I’m missing a bunch. There are also the more classical thrash influences, Metallica and Megadeth come to mind. With Final Seal in particular, it’s a thrashier offering than we typically produce – definitely Amelia’s influence coming through.

Where did the name of the band come from?

While it was just us three, we had been throwing names at each other trying to think of one that would stick. Eventually after a few ideas got rejected. We decided on “Enquire Within” after seeing it on an advert and decided it would be the name “for now”. It wasn’t until we heard audiences cheering when our name was read out at Metal to the Masses in Kent that we realised that we might have been onto something.

How far back does your history with each other (the band members) extend?

Are you friends from school or any family relations?

The original three members have known each other for at least a decade. With Henry and Jacob being brothers there’s a real connection there. We’ve known Erim for most of that time too, albeit in a producer role rather than as our bassist. Amelia is the newcomer of the set. We met in the London underground scene in the late 2010s, but she couldn’t be a more perfect fit for the band.

Where have you played or toured?

Ibiza, England, Wales and Scotland. We’ve played a lot in the south, and London. Brighton was a highlight, Birmingham, Cardiff and Manchester were phenomenal. We’ve been hitting the big cities in the UK on our recent tour with Acid Reign – 80/90s UK thrash legends. (if we want to include festivals – we’ve played with Evile, Evil Scarecrow, Rhapsody of Fire, Dream Evil, Lawnmower Deth, Blaze Bayley and Raging Speedhorn.)

In your opinion, how is your band different from all the other bands out there?

We offer our own take on a blend of Metal styles – mostly from the 90’s and 00’s. There’s a bit of thrash, a bit of groove, a bit of metal core but we tend to mix that up with a more modern take on what made that time period great. Whilst we have a wide range of influences, every bit of music we write feels inherently us. There’s a distinct sound that we have, that I’ve not heard in other bands, professional or underground.

If a deaf person were to ask you to describe the sound of your music, how would you describe it?

It kinda feels like being hit by a train. It’s fast, it’s heavy and it makes one hell of an impact.

Where can we find your social media sites?

Website – https://www.enquirewithinband.com/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/EnquireWithin/

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/enquire_within_uk/

Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/artist/0WaZXHni547zjiFP5Ih2El

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLuEVI9oYhsZ56-rTC2R7Sg

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