Fancy a trip back to the heady days of the late 70’s, when AC/DC were reeling out albums like ‘Let There Be Rock’, ‘Powerage’ and ‘Highway To Hell’ on a yearly basis? Then hop aboard as the Spanish retro rockers crank up another cracker to follow on from the excellent ‘High Decibels’ album released a while back.
Firstly, what you get from these guys, is no frills, no bull Rock ’n’ Roll, much credit must go to the band for being able to not only recreate that earthy, uncomplicated sound but also for being able to pull it off without sounding like a tribute band.
I must admit, I was expecting to hear a ’High Decibels’ part 2 when the album landed on my lap but was pleasantly surprised with how the band has continued to evolve and mature, it would have been easy enough to have rested on their laurels and taken the safe route but no, the band have tried to mix things up a bit by throwing in some different sounds and styles, which on the whole work well.
Whilst the band may have tried to tinker with the sound slightly, the core riffs and percussion remains the same, a simple effective and down right dirty sound that Malcolm would be proud of. ’Virtually Good’ for example is a dead ringer for ’Squealer’, with a killer bass line and hook, whilst the title track has a feel not unlike ’Showbuisness’ and yet they hit the spot in their own right, avoiding the rip off tag and standing tall as cracking rock songs. ’Jazz It Up’ and ’Don’t You Scream’ offer something new however, the latter a real gem. Fist pumping, head banging Rock at it’s best.
Production wise the album gets it spot on, capturing the feel and rawness of the 70’s era but still able to bring all elements to the fore in a clean and crisp finished product.
The band have an excellent reputation on mainland Europe for putting in some killer live shows and this feel carries over on to the studio recordings, which is no mean feat.
In short, if you’re after an album full of technical wizardry and groundbreaking, progressive ambiance, then this is probably not for you. If, however, you’re a fan of Bon era DC, Rose Tattoo and the like, then is just about essential.
Track Listing;
1. Maximum Rock ’N’ Roll
2. Don’t You Scream
3. Down And Dirty
4. Highway Rebel
5. Jazz It Up
6. Stay Away From Water
7. You Bore Me
8. Take Me Or Leave Me
9. Virtually Good
10. 16 Year Old King
‘77 are;
Armand Valeta – Vocals, Guitar
LG Valeta – Lead Guitar
Dolphin – Drums
Raw – Bass
Released on the 14th of October through Listenable Records