Tai Shan are a Finnish band that originally started out as a covers band before switching to original material. They released their first album, “Lost horizon” in 2011 and have now released their second album, “Iceflower”.
The album is completely instrumental, so if you’re not keen on instrumental albums this definitely isnt for you. I do feel that instrumental albums have to work a lot harder to keep a listeners interest, and as a general rule the tracks don’t stay in the memory for long. Some instrumental albums work very well and are great to listen to, but I think that for most people they are fairly rare.
Musically this album has a wide range of styles and sounds, and while you need a fair bit of variety to keep things interesting, too much variety risks the album sounding like a collection of totally unrelated tunes. So, how have Tai Shan done in that respect? Well I think they’ve succeeded in making the tracks feel like they belong together, and there’s enough variation that they all have their own characteristics, but I have to say the album is one that I’d be unlikely to play again very often. The tracks are all played very well, but there’s nothing that really grabs my attention and makes me want to listen to a track again – it’s more nice background music that I could happily have playing while I do some work as it doesn’t distract from whatever you’re doing.
If you’re a fan of instrumental albums then you might want to give this a listen – otherwise it’s one to avoid.
Track listing:
1. Highlands
2. Red light fusion boots from California
3. Above the ground
4. After rain
5. Sudden change in
6. Rio Del Olivido
7. Seven minds
8. Expedition
9. What remains after
10. Iceflower