Eyehategod – Eyehategod (Century Media)

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Reviewed by:
On 11 June 2014
Last modified:11 June 2014


Eyehategod delivering the long awaited brash and harrowing self titled. Not for the faint hearted.

Eyehategod_EyehategodThis is the first album from the Kings of New Orleans Sludge in fourteen years. In that time the band has been through the ringer and still managed to keep a profile alive throughout the underground. EHG is an incestuous outfit with members playing for other high profile bands such as Down and Soilent Green. The band released 4 well received albums between 1992 and 2000 as well as a slew of 7”s with the likes of Anal C**t and 13. Between 2005 and now the band have continued to play live in-between their other projects. Fourteen years on and the first notes of the record are the trademark EHG feedback tones and straight into the D-Beat driven “Agitation!Propaganda!” with Mike Williams delivering a bile ridden vocal line. This speed and immediacy is offset by the slow tortured bluesy riffs of songs like “Robitussin and Rejection”. The songs are still harrowing and deliver the agony that they have traded on so well for 20+ years; however it seems tighter and more controlled than earlier efforts. Don’t get me wrong they haven’t gone soft just perhaps trimmed back the chaos a bit. There is still plenty pissed off and depraved screaming from Williams and a sense of abandonment especially on the closer “the Age of Bootcamp”. The production on this record is better than they have ever had with a particularly devastating kick drum cutting through the murky waters at all times. Just before the release of the album long time drummer Joey LaCaze tragically passed away, this record is a testament to his no nonsense drumming style hard hitting, rock solid and making ever beat count. The album will please long time fans and will certainly teach people that think sludge starts and ends with Down a lesson or two.
Jimmy Bower – Guitar
Mike Wiliams – Vocals
Brian Patton – Guitar
Joey LaCaze (RIP) – Drums
Gary Mader – Bass


1. Attention!Propaganda!
2. Trying to Crack the Hard Dollar
3. Parish Motel Sickness
4. Quitter’s Offensive
5. Nobody Told Me
6. Worthless Rescue
7. Framed to the Wall
8. Robitussin and Rejection
9. Flags and Cities Bound
10. Medicine Noose
11. The Age of Bootcamp


Eyehategod delivering the long awaited brash and harrowing self titled. Not for the faint hearted.

About Dave McCallum

Old enough to know better. I have been a metalhead for a long time, I am a lifelong collector of vinyl and cds, the more the better.