Political punk-steppers THE KARMA PARTY have premiered their forthcoming EP, ‘Illumination’, on Kerrang! this morning, ahead of its August 11th release.
Check it out here: Exclusive Stream Preview
Produced by and featuring James Routh (Sonic Boom Six) on guitar, The ‘Illumination EP’ is a caricature of the world and the problems we are facing. With a punk vibe with electronic inventiveness at the core, The Karma Party’s sound features hard-hitting grooves and confrontational lyrical content, fighting the cause of the common man in Britain.
Discussing the inspiration behind Illumination, vocalist Marc Walker comments:
“We are real people, reacting to the world, the control system that governs it and the current state of affairs in the only way that we know how. Illumination is our reaction to the government that masquerades in choice, when it is obvious regardless of who is elected that the same course of action will be followed again and again. It’s our reaction to the poverty we see, not only in countries afar but on our very own doorsteps. It’s our reaction to a media that is callously biased and has failed our generations. It’s our reaction to the indifference we see from the society we are a part of, who have been sold on a completely warped sense of what it is to be human.
We absolutely abhor and condemn the actions of Israel in this latest chapter of a conflict that no longer serves any purpose than to rid the world of a people. But more than this we abhor and condemn not only the media and the bilge they have been postulating but also the society that feeds upon it.
Illumination is our attempt to reach out and engage a generation with humanity, resistance and a revolution in the way we understand the word “love”. Our only message is and will always be to think for yourself and discover the truth that already lies within you. We need to fight back with our thoughts.
We understand that there is a perceived naivety in trying to change the world via music but we’d rather die trying than allow our brains to be turned into mush.”
The Karma Party this summer take to the stages at Vlasrock Festival (Belgium), Boomtown Fair (UK) before heading out on their Illumination tour this Autumn. Make sure you check out Britain’s most powerfully poignant crossover band this summer.
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