KUROKUMA AND BLIND MONARCH ANNOUNCE UK TOURUK doom bands KUROKUMA and BLIND MONARCH are pleased to announce that they will embark on a short string of UK dates in early 2019. Blind Monarch commented, “As the frosts thaw, the Blind Monarch begins a pilgrimage from beneath the shadow of the Dark Peak. To spread a dismal gospel across a land of despair, all that hear the word shall fall under that terrible shadow.” Kurokuma further commented “We’ve been wanting to do a run of shows with Blind Monarch for a long time. They have some serious gear and tone and we played plenty of times here in Sheffield with ’em so now it’s time to take it on the road. It’s gonna be our last tour for a while. Come and watch us get topless in late February, early March.” KUROKUMA/BLIND MONARCH TOUR DATES: 27th Feb – Newcastle, Trillians 28th Feb – London, The Black Heart 1st March – Nottingham, SOAN 2nd March – Bristol, The Gryphon 3rd March – Coventry, The Phoenix https://www.facebook.com/blindmonarchband/ ![]()