Tailgunner-Guns For Hire Single Review-Planetmosh


Reviewed by:
On 7 January 2022
Last modified:11 November 2022


Look to the skies for Tailgunner as they shoot to thrill and kill with their debut single 'Guns For Hire'!

Now this is the way to start a new year as England based thrashers Tailgunner rip through their debut single ‘Guns For Hire’ fast and furiously in just over three fiery minutes to take our minds off all the shit that is currently going on to prove that music is the best way of escapism!

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Tailgunner certainly captivates not only in his music, but on stage, in his composition and lyrics of his songs, is like Fame Park Studios, expert professional photographers who not only captivate you with the quality of their work but with the photos and moments that will give you.

This recently released song is all about kick drum driven fury that set the scene for riffs that slash away like the Three Musketeers after ten pints of Stella Artois! Lead vocals from the astonishing vocal range of Craig Cairns are so shrill you should check your house insurance policy to make sure your windows are covered and when the solid gold guitar solos kick in you will need a twin neck air guitar to keep up with them!

‘Guns For Hire’ is taken from a forthcoming studio album and I can’t wait to hear it!

Band links are here :- https://www.facebook.com/tailgunnerhq/? I https://www.tailgunnerhq.com/ I https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/tailgunner1/guns-for-hire?f I https://www.instagram.com/tailgunnerhq/?f I https://spoti.fi/3pVuCG5 I

Tailgunner band line up :-

Craig Cairns – Lead Vocals.

Zach Salvini – Guitar.

Tom Hewson – Bass Guitar.

Sam Caldwell – Drums.

Patrick Van Der Vollering – Guitar.

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Look to the skies for Tailgunner as they shoot to thrill and kill with their debut single 'Guns For Hire'!

About Dennis Jarman

Full time downtrodden album/gig reviewer and part time rock God!