Hate Gallery-Viva la Resistance cd

Hate Gallery were formed in 2006 in London and developed later in Stockholm by bassist/vocalist Janne Jarvis, who has been a member of Brit Rock heroes Radiator, Queen Adreena and Warrior Soul. Their debut album ‘Compassion Fatigue’ was released in 2008, and an E.P. ‘Dead Celebrities’ followed in 2009.
There is a dark theme running through this opus, tales of darkness and the fear that we are heading into the Orwellian world. The messages in these songs are not forced upon you, they merely act as a “suggestion box” allowing you, the listener to decide on what, if any action you can or should take, all very dark and mysterious indeed. The music is in the current favorite Punk/Metal crossover genre and holds up well.
Almost a minute elapses on the album’s opening, and title track, before the song kicks in, a minute in which to set the scene and the tone of this record, and in that minute you get the impression of a peaceful protest full of hope and joy, before the sirens over run the track and the music kicks in, and what a track it is, full on fuzzy dirty guitar, with punk infused noise.
Each song that follows has its own story to tell, as well as being part of the bigger picture, as this is mostly a concept album, it can be hard sometimes to single out individual tracks for praise, “The Becoming’ and ‘Security Forces’ do offer something different in the way these tracks are constructed, they feature a greater depth of musicianship that is sadly lacking on some other tracks, however, all in all, this is a dam fine effort, and Hate Gallery should be applauded in trying something new, though I think dedicating the album to “all those who have died at the hands of the police’ is not going win the establishment over, but do they really care ?
So think on, listen to this record, don’t get caught by the Rozzers, and you’ll have nothing to worry about……….except Big Brother,…….if he’s watching you, who’s watching him ????

01. Viva La Resistance
02. The Warning
03. Satellite
04. The Becoming
05. Security Forces
06. Rats
07. Frequency
08. Domination Soul
09. 2 Minute Hate
10. Love Shine On
11. Salvation

Janne Jarvis – Vocals, bass, guitar, keys
Richard Lundell – Guitar
Petja Lepola – Guitar
Fredrik Kvarnebrink – Drums*
*drums on the album by Chris Rose

About David Farrell

General Manager and 'THE' competition guy at planetmosh.com. Manager of The Goddanm Electric www.thegde.co.uk, Tour manager for Serpentine, and ex-general Dogsbody at Hammerfest.co.uk. Media partner to numerous bands. Also takes photos, writes reviews and likes classic rock, with a touch of thrash to get the blood flowing.