Vanitas-The Chaos Theory EP-Review-Planetmosh


Reviewed by:
On 7 August 2024
Last modified:7 August 2024


Vanitas take no prisoners.

Birmingham based Vanitas have stuck to their word as they pronounced, “In 2024, Vanitas return matured and dangerous, promising to deliver their heaviest release yet”, which they have achieved effortlessly with their sophomore, released The Chaos Therapy EP on August 2nd 2024. A successfully attended launch party the following day at The Flapper in Birmingham will also see them add more dates in August/September.

The wait has been certainly worth it as these six songs have seen them hone their craft even more, point proven by EP opener ‘Can We Let Go?’.It’s a short but sweet intro of serene piano swathes, sombre cello, building up to a crescendo for ninety nailbiting seconds of metal majesty.

‘Grey Morality’ is a song so insane, it’s an attack on the senses that should carry a government health warning due to its sheer ferociousness!

‘Lies’ is totally owned by lead vocalist Jade Maris as she unleashes to highlight a feminine anthem against ignorance over a musical backing of seismic drum overload and a midway battery of skin flaying guitars.

Their approach to their cinematic djent categories is shown by ‘E.D.G’, pushing their music to unstoppable boundaries as they thrash and grind around a bellowing lead vocal.

A curiously medieval tinged intro to ‘Chaos Theory’ with a quivering vocal, then explodes to the first caterwauling verse and a suprisingly sedate chorus, heavying up to a drum driven mad midsection, as sweeping orchestral strings surge towards a song I didn’t want to end!

Final, and also my favourite track ‘Queen Of Nowhere’ is literally belched out on an unrelenting cacophony of bonafide, pit opening brutality from staccato drum patterns, mesmerising guitars and a lead vocal that defiies belief in its overwhelming power!

Vanitas band info, including a purchase link to the EP and other band info is here :-

The Chaos Theory EP track listing :-

Can We Let Go?

Grey Morality.



Chaos Theory.

Queen Of Nowhere.

Vanitas band personnel :-

Jade Maris-Lead Vocals.

Mitchell Barlow-Guitar.

Elijah Storer-Guitar.

Jackson Cann-Drums.

Jon Willingham-Bass Guitar.

Vanitas take no prisoners.

About Dennis Jarman

Full time downtrodden album/gig reviewer and part time rock God!