Win a copy of Saxon’s ‘Heavy Metal Thunder Movie’ on dvd, or a T-shirt.


We have TWO dvd’s and TWO T-shirts to give away.
So to win a copy of the new Saxon ‘Heavy Metal Thunder’ Movie on dvd, OR a Saxon T-shirt, then please answer the following question.
What was the original name of the band, before they changed it to Saxon ?
Rules are as follows.
The comp will end on the 16th of January 2013.
I will then pick and email the first TWO winners, on the 17th to discuss which prize they want.
I will then pick and email the 3rd winner, who may or may not have a choice, and then finally I will email the 4th winner.

Comp is now closed, all the winners have now been contacted and have had the choice of prize.
Sophie form Preston won a T-shirt.
David from Yorkshire won a T-shirt
David from London won a dvd, and Lynne from Manchester also won a dvd

About David Farrell

General Manager and 'THE' competition guy at Manager of The Goddanm Electric, Tour manager for Serpentine, and ex-general Dogsbody at Media partner to numerous bands. Also takes photos, writes reviews and likes classic rock, with a touch of thrash to get the blood flowing.