Mortillery interview, March 2013

mortillery12182012-2Canadian thrashers Mortillery recently released their second album – Origin of Extinction on Napalm records.  We took the opportunity to ask them a few questions…


OK first of all, for the benefit of anyone who isn’t familiar with Mortillery, can you tell us a little bit about the band?

We are Mortillery from Edmonton Alberta Canada! We play punk infused metal, better known as thrash, our mission is to bring our music everywhere, we want to come party wherever you are!

Your new album, ‘Origin of Extinction’ has just been released (and got an 8.5/10 rating on Planetmosh).  Can you tell us a bit about the album?

This is our second release for Napalm Records,  we’re all really excited about this album and really appreciate the support from everyone.  The Bonus songs on the album are really special to us and the entire process of recording was so much fun, we felt really comfortable and I think it shows in the album.

How would you say ‘Origin of extinction’ compares to ‘Murder death kill’?

Like I said before, we were really comfortable during the writing and recording of the new album. The main difference between the two is probably the way we felt after it was all set and done, we could tell it was a huge step closer to the sound were trying to achieve and gave us lots of confidence to keep going and keep writing music.

It’s been less than a year between ‘Murder death kill’ getting a worldwide release and the release of ‘Origin of extinction’.  How soon after finishing ‘Murder death kill’ was it before you started work on the new album?

I think we had maybe 2 or 3 songs ready in early 2012. We set a date for July that year to begin recording and worked really hard to meet this schedule. When we get in the zone we can write fast and we like to do so, we have already started writing the next album and we feel strong about our pace right now.

What’s the song writing process in the band – is it a collaborative thing or are there one or two main song writers?

It’s a combination really. Majority of the time it starts with the guitar players getting a skeleton of a song together, we jam it and arrange it a few times then record a demo of it so our singer can come up with some lyrics. Once she brings the lyrics in we fix what needs to be fixed and we got a song!

What are your inspirations for writing the lyrics?

Cara like to research a list of different topics she finds interesting, most of the time she tells stories of people or events that intrigue her. Alex Gutierrez has helped in the past with some lyrics too, his songs are usually about post apocalyptic wars and other fictional scenarios.

Have you got any tour plans at the moment ?   Any plans to visit the UK and Europe for gigs or festivals?

That is first in our list! We are still a pretty new band so we’re making sure we don’t rush anything, we’re trying to plan our tour as carefully as possible an hope to come visit Europe soon!

What bands do you think have influenced your music?

We all get our influences from different places, but in Thrash we have found a common ground. Bands like Exciter, Anthrax, Metallica, Toxic Holocaust, Broken Bones, Pantera, Iron Maiden, among others seem to always be spinning on our turn tables.

I’m guessing Metallica will be on the list of bands that have influenced you, so which is the best Metallica album in your opinion?

You know it! Well it depends really, “Kill ‘em All” defines a genre of music, and “Master of Puppets” takes that genre to a whole new level… Hard to decide.

When you buy music, which do you prefer and why – CD or legal mp3 downloads ?

Neither, vinyl is the way to go!!

What was the last album you bought?

SKELETONWITCH – “Breathing the Fire” what an amazing band and album!

Finally, if you could recommend three Canadian bands for people to listen to, who would they be?

SKULL FIST! DIEMONDS! GATEKRASHOR! But this list should be way longer…

Thank you for your time.

Thank you!!

About Ant May

I spend half my life at gigs or festivals and the other half writing the reviews and editing photos, and somehow find time for a full time job too. Who needs sleep - I've got coffee.