Dundee based thrashers Virus who formed in 1986 show no signs of slowing down, point proven and driven home by Evilution Apocalypse, taken from their forthcoming album of the same name.
A sizzling six minutes start with a calm before the storm acoustic intro, followed by a melodic guitar piece as all hell breaks loose for a seismic shockwave of drum assaults from Liam Hastie that power along this proto thrasher.
Buzzsaw riffing from Rob Edwards and Coke McFinlay take no prisoners throughout as they rage and roar as Coke delivers a lead vocal with a teeth gnashing snarl. A brief pause for breath comes from a melodic segment until the single ends on a pit opening outro.
The single bodes well for the album and a proposed album launch is set for Sept.25th 2020 at the Unicorn in Camden, London.

A full on circle pit rager!