Ward XVI – Acoustic Sessions- Burn the Witch – video

Ward XVI – Acoustic Sessions- Burn the Witch – video

Week two brings us ‘Burn the Witch‘, which tells of the realisation of Psychoberries actions, her regret and remorse, convincing herself it was for the better.

Ward XVI are continuing to stun and with these acoustic session tracks displaying even more just how good these songs are, stripped-down bare, with exposed raw emotions.
Taken from the upcoming ‘Acoustic Session EP’ of four acoustic tracks, released each week in advent, a perfect addition to any library and gift set!


Winters chill is setting in as more hypnotic delights can be heard once more from within the confines of Whittingham Asylum…

…So it seems that Psychoberrie’s diabolical plan to use a more stripped back, raw and dare I say… ‘vulnerable’ side to her music to lure the unsuspecting into her clutches has bore fruit. The hoards outside the doors are now baying for More, More… more.. and of course now you have played right into her hands, Psychoberrie is only too happy to give you another fix to keep you hooked for another week.
Click play if you dare to hear this week’s shot in the arm.

Watch Burn the Witch – Ward XVI Acoustic Sessions

Taken from the album “Metamorphosis ” Off yer Rocka recordings 2020. Bandcamp Cd-https://wardxvi.bandcamp.com/album/me…




Bandcamp MP3 https://wardxvi.bandcamp.com/album/me…

iTunes – Metamorphosis by Ward XVI https://music.apple.com/gb/album/meta…

Amazon MP3 Metamorphosis https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08DK74P8…

Amazon.co.uk – Metamorphosis https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08H5BRL6…

HMV.com -Metamorphosis | CD Album | Free shipping over £20 | HMV Store



Artist: Ward XVI
Release: ‘Burn the Witch (Acoustic)’
Date: 4 December 2020
Album: ‘Acoustic Sessions EP’, 18 December 2020
Style: Horror, acoustic rock


About Alex English