Ambrius is a new band featuring former members of Oakhaart and Tempestora. The British metallers are set to release their debut EP ‘Effigies Of Time’ on July 15 2022.
“We’re tired of the bullshit, so this is us moving forward and lifting the middle finger to the toxic b.s. and doing our thing.” Ambrius singer/songwriter and producer Sam Shiers is exasperated, but at the same time excited and energised. He has every right to be.
“There was a time where we kinda wondered what’s the point? As much as we’ve made great friends along the way in the music community, we have fallen foul of common pitfalls and sharks in the music industry over time. But no more, we own this and look forward to sharing our journey with the many like-minded positive people that we know are out there”, Shiers enforces with impressive passion and drive.
Sam’s words might sound familiar to many, but this new group are hell bent on leaving regrets and bitterness in the rearview mirror, forsaking the sharks to flounder in their own shallow waters. “We’ve taken back control, hit the reset button, refreshed ourselves and 100% relish being in a group together”, enthuses Shiers.
Ambrius is most likely a new heavy metal band you’ve yet to discover, but that is set to change. Featuring former members of metal acts Oakhaart and Tempestora, this Gloucester metallic group has spent time honing lessons learnt and applied a pure bloodied combination of art and craft to produce one of the best emerging metal debut EPs heard in recent times.
The debut EP ‘Effigies of Time’ sees Ambrius romping out the gates with their own unique take on heavy metal which paints huge dark orchestral and symphonic sonics that is complimented with technical heavy metal acrobatics. Crucially, at the beating heart of this forthcoming release is the importance of songwriting, melody and a flaming hot side dish of diversity.
Shiers explains, “Metal is and probably always will be the main source of music I listen to, however, I’ve always loved and appreciated many genres of other music, including classical bodies of work. Like Metal, classical music has such a dark but beautiful element to it that really resonates with me, and this really inspired me to get more into musical theory and orchestral music to write the scores for Ambrius’ debut EP.”
A cathartic time capsule, ‘Effigies of Time’ lyrically resonates with modern-day society and current events. Prophetic in places, and reflective in others… the lyrics serve as a sharp reminder that the world we live in shifts at a rapid pace and what we thought we once knew now requires careful thought and action if we are to survive and thrive. Featuring six tracks influenced on the different strains, pressures and injustice in the world and a much-needed time for a change, this new EP is a heavy metal haven that cares and challenges the listener to face difficult truths affecting Planet Earth right now.
“Ultimately, our debut EP dares to dream of a perfect world, one that embraces ‘imperfections’ instead of shunning and outcasting them”, says Shiers.
From invasions, war, the horrors of prejudice, hatred, & racism, butterfly effects and beyond, Ambrius discusses a broad spectrum of important subject matters throughout the new EPs journey, some of it their own experience and observations on current events. However, one cornerstone cements this release: Stamp out prejudice, hatred and intolerance everywhere. (credit: The Sophie Lancaster Foundation).
Change is here, it’s inevitable, and Ambrius is set to lead the charge in the metal underground’s future.
‘Effigies Of Time’ was produced by Sam Shiers/Ambrius and is released on 15th July 2022.

1) Effigies Of Time
2) Self Reflection
3) Breathe
4) The Unavoidable Path
5) Red
6) The Pulse And Purpose

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