AMIGO THE DEVIL – ‘Yours Until The Tour Is Over’ – review at The Wardrobe, Leeds, 15 07 24

Whenever the name Amigo The Devil pops up I get an overwhelming rush of excitement. It is just over a year since I last saw ATD performing for the first time at tonight’s venue ‘The Wardrobe’ on the ‘Hungover in UK/Europe’ Tour in 2023.

In support of the recently released third studio album ‘Yours Until The War is Over’, acclaimed singer/songwriter Danny Kiranos aka AMIGO THE DEVIL and his band are back with the 2024 UK tour, ‘Yours Until The Tour Is Over’!


Singing for us tonight is Nate Bergman the Nashville by way of  D.C. singer-songwriter, who is in league with the devil having previously toured with ATD in October 2023. Kurous and Bergman are two common souls who look for meaning in life events and portray it through their music. In Bergman’s case, he dreams of a future and isn’t afraid to jump into the deep end as he tells us in his latest single ‘Deep End’.

Delivering a thought-provoking set with songs about losing love, being defeated and dealing with broken dreams, Bergman’s subject matter is something we can all relate to.

Bergman is appealing from the off. Nate welcomes himself as he opens his set with ‘War on The Working Class’ a catchy tune with the ethos of ‘Bruce Springsteen’ It’s the punchiness of gritty rock n roll. The riff is hard and heavy, like ”The Almighty’s ‘Wild and Wonderful”. Bergman has no support band, but he’s making a great impression on his audience.

Photo by Alex English

Singing of tumultuous relationships, Bergman gives them ‘Elle’ on ‘Sweet Maria‘, which he describes as the I want to f**k you song! Bringing a change of vibe. An ‘Ode To Manchester‘ is deep country blues rock with smooth sunburst slide guitar licks off his album ‘Metaphysical Change’ released in 2022. The album was recorded over five different time zones, with various musicians involved including Harry Fausing Smith whose part was recorded in Manchester.

Ripping off some popular riffs for fun, and after messing with bars from Poison and Bon Jovi. Bergman sings a tale of how his relationship broke down, and with his dreams deflated, Nate’s sister helped pack him into a car on ‘Back To Nashville‘. Rousing it up with a short cover version of My Chemical Romance ‘Helena’.

It’s time to go soon, as the lights go down, Bergman sings out his set with ‘Into My Arms’. Wearing your heart on your sleeve is the way Bergman likes to roll.

Setlist – War On The Working Class, Wish I Was, Deep End, Apostolos, Sweet Maria, Ode To Manchester, Back To Nashville, Helena (cover)  Into My Arms

More photos here –

Photo by Alex English


AMIGO THE DEVIL has amassed a great following and tonight’s almost sold-out show reflects the popularity of the murder-folk’ musician/songwriter Danny Kiranos. ATD delivered an excellent show, playing a solid 14-song set, with four songs off the latest album, ‘Yours Until The War Is Over’.

From the second Amigo, The Devil walks on stage he’s killing it. Kiranos words are deadly weapons as he tells his life tales through his dark macabre outlook on existence and survival. The game of life begins with ‘Small Stone’. Danny’s sister ‘ Katacombes’ plays the keyboard on this haunting Americana piece.

Photo by Alex English

The Banjo section!

It’s always an interesting evening when Amigo The Devil comes to town and tonight I’m getting a more serious vibe from Kiranos as he tells his anecdotes between songs and entices his adoring audience.

Reaching for his trusty banjo, on ‘It’s All Gone’ I feel there’s maybe more to the fun-loving devil or perhaps it was the contemplative lyrics of the ‘Cannibal Within’ that just drew my attention. ‘Once Upon A Time in Mexico pt.1’ has the crowd singing ‘la la da di’ on the upbeat bars of this one-stop gruesome robbery gone wrong!

We won’t be forgetting the memorable lyrics of ‘My Body Is Dive Bar‘, it’s not an official release but you can find lots of YouTube videos of this humorous song… ”My face is a bar stool waiting for you!‘ ‘If that ain’t romance, what is?!

How come, I’ve just noticed Kiranos’ baritone vocals have an Elvis tone? Especially on ‘Stray Dog’. The song is intentionally wonderfully thought-provoking and the last of the new songs from ‘Your Until The War Is Over’.

Back to the Classics

It doesn’t matter if you have seen Amigo The Devil before or not. There’s something about the dark humour, twisted lyrics and charismatic lines that take a different viewpoint on life as you perceive it, you can’t help but be drawn in.

Hungover In Jones Town‘ continues the crowd interaction as they blast away its infamous punchline ‘’La la la, la da da da da, oh Life is a joke and death is the punchline”. Amigo draws upon his enthusiastic audience with the devil’s little ditty ‘Hell and You‘. The crowd is eager to join the chorus on this murder-folk Flamengo-style number.

At this point, Kiranous says he’s had enough of the stage as he takes himself down into the crowd; who part and make way for their hero. As he plays the opening bars of ‘Dahmer Goes To Hollywood’. The hypnotic Rohypnol lullaby comes to full effect.

Closing with ‘Perfect Wife‘, it’s murder on the dancefloor as the final song chokes the end!

Amigo The Devil Band, Joined by guitarist David Talley, bassist Jason Deitz, drummer Carson Kehrer, and Katerina Kiranos – keys

Photo by Alex English

Set List
Small Stone
Murder at the Bingo Hall
It’s All Gone
Cannibal Within*
Once Upon a Time at Texaco Pt. 1*
Another Man’s Grave
My Body Is a Dive Bar*
I Hope Your Husband Dies– banjo
Stray Dog*
Cocaine and Abel
Hungover in Jonestown
Hell and You
Dahmer Does Hollywood
Perfect Wife

Photo gallery here –


Words and photos by Alex English, at The Wardrobe, Leeds, 15th July 2024

About Alex English