Louise Swift

I first went to a gig in 1981, Gillan at Leeds University. I've been a regular gig goer ever since. I haven't kept count of how many gigs I've been to over the intervening years, but it's a lot! My favourite bands are AC/DC then, in no particular order, Anti-Nowhere League, Slaughter and the Dogs, Towers of London and Dirt Box Disco. I tend to like Glam/Punk and rude offensive lyrics, not sure what that says about me but as Animal would say 'So What!' The question was recently put to me - did I write for any online publications? My reply - No, but I'd like to! Planetmosh was suggested and I found myself offering to review Aces High Festival. Easy peasy I thought! Well not quite, if a jobs worth doing it's worth doing well! I had sixteen bands to research. I found I actually enjoyed that and it kept me too busy to be making lunatic comments on Facebook! ;) Then I felt a bit inadequately qualified. I mean, who am I to comment on others, when my musical expertise extends to being able to play a mean Greensleeves on the recorder and a passable Annie's song on the flute! Haven't picked up either instrument for years! What I do have, however, is over 30 years of experience as a gig goer, so I can comment on what I like and what I don't! It's only my opinion and, if I don't like a band it doesn't mean they are bad, just not to my own liking. I admire anyone who has the guts to get up on that stage and have a go!

Die No More – Blueprint

Die No More are a British Metal band from Penrith, Cumbria. Formed in 2011 they started out playing under the name of Dynamo but changed their name to Die No More earlier this year, due to foreseeable issues with magician Dynamo, before announcing the release of their début album Blueprint. …

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Senton Bombs – Chapter Zero

Chapter Zero is the latest album from Blackpool Punk/Rock Band The Senton Bombs. Formed in 2004 as The Terrorists they have already released four Demos and two studio albums, ‘Sweet Chin Music’ and’ Gambit’. Signed to STP Records in March 2013, Chapter Zero is their first label released album. With …

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Slut Machine – Hang On

The interestingly named Slut Machine are an all female, punk band formed in Italy in 2011. They are now on to their third lead vocalist, Bianca. I had high hopes for this album and listening to the first track Lump In My Throat I thought, fast drumming, fast guitars just …

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White Clouds & Gunfire – For All the Non Believers

Female fronted alternative rock band White Clouds & Gunfire formed in Peterborough in 2009. Following their debut EP ‘Zero to Hero’ their album ‘For All the Non Believers’ was released on 2nd September 2013. A keyboard intoduction led into the opening song ‘Bruised not Broken’ a soft rock track with …

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Sister Sin – Dance of the Wicked

Swedish Metal Band Sister Sin’s first album Dance of the Wicked was originally released in 2013. Ten years later it has been re-released by Victory Records. Now with, not only all 8 original tracks but, 3 previously unreleased demo tracks, and a bonus track featuring German Rock Goddess Doro Pesch. …

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Reckless Love – Spirit

Reckless Love are a Finnish Glam Rock band who these days do their own music and songs, after initially starting out as Reckless Life, a Guns N’ Roses tribute. Olli Herman, their very good-looking (he’s like the male equivalent of Pamela Anderson) frontman joined Crashdiet for a time before concentrating …

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Aces High Festival 2013, Nottingham

Aces High Festival 2013, Nottingham

Having never been to The Doghouse venue Carlton, Nottingham before I didn’t know what to expect when I rolled up for The Aces High Festival 2013: 24th and 25th August 2013. The Doghouse turned out to be a smaller concert venue about 2 miles outside Nottingham (on the lilac bus …

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