Bad Owl 100th Show Celebration, The Wharf Chambers Leeds, 29/6/24

Leeds based Bad Owl are promoters of truly interesting music, the stuff that can be most certainly be described as left field, and today they are celebrating their 100th event with eight bands of varying styles.  Think ArcTanGent and you get the drift although this a local party for localish people.  Those promoters are celebrating in style and have covered the floor with a number of gold balloons that seemingly randomly burst without prompting.

Leeds may only be 50 miles from Manchester but cancelled trains resulted in driving, and motorway delays meant I only managed to catch the last 60 seconds of the opening band Patience.  It wasn’t the end of the world, I caught them at their single launch a few months back at this same venue – The Wharf Chambers.  It is a cracking small venue attached to an über cool bar that is a members club with a beer garden that is larger than the bar.  Anyway, lets get to the music…

Death Rituals take their name from the rites of passage for both the dead and the living. They are also a proggy post rock band, and considering how ‘new’ they are, their songs are well formed and this is a polished if at times nervous performance. 
“Our songs have no titles and we are not on Spotify. But you can have our phone numbers… although that sounds creepy” states their guitarist before the band delve into more proggy goodness.  Their final number has more than a hint of Rush about it so it will be interesting to see how their sound develops!


More photos of Death Rituals here

Up in Northumberland KKETT is slang for sweets as well as being the next bands name.  Prepping their stage setup is as chaotic as their music and they start 15 minutes late.  Bouncy and dancy math rock is what is precisely what they deliver to get this party started and we certainly bounced and danced to songs such as Milk And Cats which is as brilliant as the rest of their set.  Chaos continues on stage – when you lose your plectrum just start playing your guitar with a shoe.  During Death, their parting gift, basses and guitars went flying before the band falls to the ground. Huge fun.



More photos of KKETT here

Something different with What? Nah who are bringing a lighter mathrock feel to proceedings.  The band are completely new to me and the enjoyment level is immense.  The added sax and clarinet differentiates them as well as songs like Solid Ball which is about being trans and in love.  A cover of Accidentally In Love is a fun singalong too.



More photos of What? Nah here

Irk didn’t do it for me when I saw them back in April, so I was unsure about todays set.  Well, today they are impressing me greatly.  Ed Snell’s bass, the lead instrument, is growling thunderously.  Backed by drummer Matt Deamer whose beats are not overbearing, giving a platform for Jack Gordon to sing from the floor (as is his want) with his occassionally processed vocals.  My Life In Bins is easily the highlight of the set.



More photos of IRK here

I last saw La Rissa at StrangeForms in 2023 and was blown away by not only the singer’s voice but also their poppy industrial electronica.  We are treated to the first song they wrote – Man’s World, followed by a song written for the Ukrainians with a call out for our best Ukrainian dance moves.  With the promise of a new album we are treated to a couple of new songs which bring on a new level of intensity and emotion. 



More photos of La Rissa here

Trigger Thumb have me triggered, can Prog be funky? Apparently it can and these guys are bouncy.  Fish with it’s mix of deep growling vocals alternating with high pitch vocals is more than intriguing.  Baddest is so full of time changes it would put YES and Genesis to shame, they even incorporate drum and bass beats too.  The crowd are fully engaged during their fast and furious set and it seems to pass by in the blink of an eye.  Blimey, that was good.



More photos of Trigger Thumb here

Final band of this celebration are noise rockers MUMS who’ve come all the way from Widnes and they are certainly making lots of noise with their mulchy, sludgy guitar tones that the remaining crowd are grooving along to.  Like a deafening sandstorm, this veers into desert rock territory that could easily give the likes of Kryuss a run for their money.  It’s been an exhausting day but I, and everyone else, is leaving with a smile on their faces.


Happy 100th event Bad Owl, it has been a blast and here’s to the next 100 events.


More photos of MUMS here

About Ant Firmin