Even though this new Blues Pills album has roughly the same play list as the studio version, this time we get to hear the group at their best playing live and adding just a few extra twists to some of their already well known and established tracks.
If you’ve heard the debut studio album from Blues Pills and then perhaps managed to see them play live? You’ll know exactly how excited the crowd felt when this band stormed onto the stage at the Freak Valley Festival in Germany. The atmosphere they create is electric, and for those of you who missed out on the 1960’s hippy blues flower power rock scene, get yourself down to one of this groups gigs where they will fire a retro rocket up your jacksie and give you just a little flavour of what all the fuss was about back then! These three guys and one lady are a melting pot of talent and together have made a band that can really knock out a great set list; even managing to make it sound, should I say, better than the studio album version. This excellent live recording of the event, mixed with the background sounds from the crowd, really does make you feel as though you’re actually there with them.
Singer Elin, must have nearly busted her braces when she belted out the opening notes of Devil Man. You hear the crowd duly rise to the occasion and show respect to her Marshall Amp breaking tones. The band played a revamped version of the song I’d first heard played live at Nuneaton’s Queens Hall back in late 2013. While others watched tribute bands downstairs, we lucky few up stairs were witnessing the re-birth of some of the most original and exciting Blues Rock since the Woodstock festival in the U.S.A. Lead guitarist Dorian, then goes on to open the song ‘Bliss’ with a mini-Hendrix style riff which actually sent shivers down my back! After which when Elin had finished singing, the boys now took over to give one hell of a jamming session not to be missed.
This band to me, are now at the stage of taking over from where mighty Fleetwood Mac had left off, after stopping making good Blues music and going all a bit “limp”. These four young people are now true pioneers of the Blues Rock scene, and are making their very own musical history people will be taking about in the future.
‘BLUES PILLS Live‘ will be released on March the 20th 2015, via Nuclear Blast Records. But this album will only be out on either Vinyl or CD. They say that no digital versions will be made available, and the release will be a strictly limited amount and won’t be reprinted once it is sold out!
You’d better be quick people!!
Band Members:-
Elin Larsson – Vocals
Dorian Sorriaux – Guitar
Zack Anderson – Bass
André Kvarnström – Drums
Album cover art is by Marijke Koger-Dunhamn.
- £8.99