.@PlanetMosh reviews @Bullibymon, @jackalfeud and #Defyed at @Voodoo_Belfast

With the Belfast metal scene having burst back into life after its winter hiatus the previous evening, with the triple assault of Kataklysm, Krisiun and Fleshgod Apocalypse down the street at the Limelight, it was turn of the local lads to turn up the volume and dust off the old cobwebs of a venue which has established itself as the second home of the city’s metal scene.
Openers Defyed are a relatively new name on the local circuit, having only come together in the latter half of last year, and this was only their third gig. They play old school metal-edged hardcore characterized by a huge bottom end, courtesy of former Red Six guitarist Steve Martin, who has made the switch to bass – and chunky, meaty riffs. Their delivery is tight and efficient, if a little raw around the edges, but then, as mentioned, they’d only played two other gigs before this and the raggedness will be smoothed out as they gain more stage experience.

Jackalfeud are a lot more experienced than the openers, but didn’t really show it as, while earnest and energetic, their generic, Trivium-esque groove metal was technically proficient but ultimately soulless. When a band keeps you waiting 30 minutes past their allotted stage time, you expect something special to wake you up from your slumber: Jackalfeud, unfortunately, made those at the back of the room want to curl up on the venue’s rather comfy white leather sofas and have a wee doze… especially when they ended their set in lacklustre style with a wandering psychedelic instrumental which highlighted the inconsistency of their mishmash of styles.

Headliners Bullibymon hit the stage hard and heavy to deliver a set of impressive songs played with passionate, restrained aggression, filled with thumping beats – aided by the exceptional bass work of Stretch – and solid riffs. The vocals, however, work better when the death growls are eschewed in favour of the cleaner mid-range, but its nevertheless a well-paced and thoroughly enjoyable set from the four piece who always pour everything they have into their music and whose passion for and belief in what they do always shines through.
Defyed play Limelight 2, Belfast, on Saturday February 22nd, with By Conquest Of Consent and Spittin’ Teeth: https://www.facebook.com/events/586944251373753/