Welcome back Burnt Out Wreck as they unleash their third studio album Stand And Fight on December 2nd 2022 via Burnt Out Wreckords. Judging by the potency of these eleven tracks they’re a long way off being burnt out! Once again stunning artwork comes from Andy Pilkington at Very Metal Art.
Lead singer Gary Moat states that “These are eleven of the best songs I’ve written. This really was ‘The difficult third album’, inspired by the worst one and a half years of my life, but the end result was worth the struggle and this is something I’m really proud of. I invite you all to stand and fight!”
These fighting words prove his point right from the off as opening track ‘Big Up Yourself’ with not just a big riff but one that grinds away throughout this gnarly groover as Gary rasps like quadruple strength sandpaper and this pace doesn’t change, rolling along like vintage AC/DC and Krokus which is no bad thing. What a headbangingly way to begin!
The first single taken from the album is ‘Stand And Fight’ so get those air guitars out and warm up those neck muscles for five minutes of earworm riffs over a lyrical subject about internet trolls who hide behind their keyboards.
Metronomic drum pounds in ‘Lion’ give this lion plenty of pride for this slice of barroom boogie as heaven is reached midway for a lengthy wah-wah piece.
A calm before the storm intro for ‘Ain’t Done Nothing Wrong’ sees Gary lay down the emotions chillingly until it shifts into a full on Earthshaker of ear mauling riffs pinned down by a watertight rhythm section that lumbers towards a band backed vocal outro.
‘More Than Anything’ is a party starting and finishing rabble rouser of feelgood riffs to portray their love of rock and roll and hollering out the choruses is mandatory!
‘Pain And Suffering’ is a lumbering beast that stomps with aplomb on seismic grooves and stadium filling choruses for a future anthem in the making.
Riff after riff after motherfucking riff yank and crank ‘Turpentine’ into oblivion for six minutes of spit and sawdust heavy metal as Gary delivers a lung shredding performance.
‘Blood Sweat And Tears’ lives up to its title to be a call to arms into battle spotlight stealer, featuring never give up lyrics.
‘Wake Up’ is another bonecrusher that stamps hard and heavy on fist clenching grooves of wrecking ball power that closes on guitar heaven fretboard fury.
Strap yourselves in for a white knuckle ride into space courtesy of ‘Take It Or Leave It’, a raucous riffer with enough force to blow up the Death Star with ease.
The album closes curiously with ‘I’m A Loser To’, a country and western tinged hoedown of bitter sweet vibes but also uplifts to make for my album highlight. It throws a curveball to impress on every level of love lost breathtaking lyrics.
Pre-order links to Stand And Fight, plus other band info are here :- http://burntoutwreck.com/ I https://www.facebook.com/BurntOutWreck I https://twitter.com/BurntWreck I https://www.viveleshop.com/products/burnt-out-wreck-stand-and-fight-cd?fbclid=IwAR3vsbYOgmRNUb5IZEm5bagipWnJYOVI
Stand And Fight album track listing :-
Big Up Yourself.
Stand And Fight.
Ain’t Done Nothing Wrong.
More Than Anything.
Pain And Suffering.
Blood Sweat And Tears.
Wake Up.
Take It Or Leave It.
I’m A Loser To.
Burnt Out Wreck band personnel :-
Gary Moat-Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar.
Ally Carmichael-Bass Guitar/Backing Vocals.
Andy McLaughlan-Lead Guitar/Backing Vocals.
Richard Upson-Lead Guitar/Backing Vocals.
Paul Gray-Drums.
I’d like to dedicate this review to Burnt Out Wreck superfan Robert Dyer.
- £15.00