2014 is shaping up to be an important year for Brighton based quintet By Definition. Having toured with the likes of Black Label Society and Black Stone Cherry and trodden the boards at Hard Rock Hell Ibiza, the group have already earned plaudits for their notoriously hi-octane live sets.
Now, following a three year gap since the release of their first EP, they are set to release a single, ‘Warrior’, while their debut album ‘The Concerns Of Mortal Man’ will receive a full release in the early autumn.
A stomping, hard hitting anthem, ‘Warrior’ is an obvious choice as the first single from the album. It boasts a promo video that also displays the band’s sense of humour:
“We were spitballing ideas for a video to ‘Warrior’, with talk of fighting, guns and deeper meaning stuff, but none of it seemed ‘us’. After someone mentioned a gunfight, it struck us that there was a great scene in [the TV comedy] ‘Spaced’ where they launch into a slow motion gunfight using their fingers. The concept appealed to all of us and the video was born.”
The scene it references can be seen here:
Built on solid foundations of driving riffs, fat bass lines and raw vocals with production chores handled by Paul ‘Win’ Winstanley, ‘The Concerns Of Mortal Man’ sees By Definition bridging the gap between rock/metal and other genres, subtly incorporating influences from hip-hop and technical inspiration from electronic music to deliver a varied yet substantial body of work.
Beyond building on their burgeoning musical reputation, By Definition are not your every day rock band. All self-confessed comic book geeks, Dan (guitar) has a degree in theatre writing while Rob (also guitar) produces electronic music in his spare time. Meanwhile, Si (vocals) has a passion for loose leaf tea….a hobby which once got him into a spot of bother at customs….
‘Warrior’ is released on 28th July and can be heard here :