Cannibal Corpse, conceived in Buffalo New York 1988 have unleashed their fifteenth studio album Violence Unimagined to the World via Metal Blade Records. Love em or hate em they have consistently raised the bar high with their uncompromising approach to how death metal should be played and this new release is another milestone to their recorded output.
These eleven tracks bristle with urgency to make themselves be heard and production duties by guitarist Erik Rutan have certainly done a fantastic job doing so as album opener ‘Murderous Rampage’ is a rampant rampage of pure death metal battery. Riffs are a shockwave blast backed by drum fury and the unmistakeable guttural vocal delivery of George ‘Corpsegrinder’ Fisher.
The stop start teasing intro to ‘Necrogenic Ressurection’ is the calm before the storm of a ballistic ball of raucous rage and the recording levels must have surely been in the red for this apocalyptic rant. A glorious mid way grind leaves room for the vocals to dominate then it heads off into a warp speed outro.
‘Inhumane Harvest’ is a volatile riffed mindbender from the off as the fiery intro riffs get even more insane when snare drums rattle your ears and then switches to an attention grabbing grind that almost shudders to a halt only to be blown away by furious guitar solos.
Demolition ball devastation fury propels ‘Demolition Contagion’ along with bare knuckle bravado towards a light speed mid way metal maelstrom that gets faster for a lesson in brutality outro.
Considering the songs title of ‘Surround, Kill, Devour’, musically it’s full of catchy hooks but still possesses the power to maul our hearing.
The grooves in ‘Ritual Annihilation’ are so thick it’s as if they are walking through mud. A ballistic drum barrage and caustic riffing make for a seismic shocker.
Guitars coil and uncoil like a cobra ready to strike throughout ‘Follow The Blood’. It growls and snarls for four feral minutes that don’t shift into gear until halfway for a choking churn of doom riffing as George sounds as though he’s tearing his lungs apart for the grisly choruses. This surefire pit opener ends on speed metal madness.
‘Bound And Burned’ is a kick drum driven banger! Guitars unleash their arsenal like weapons of mass destruction to match the power of another devastating drum assault.
George regurgitates flesh creeping vocals throughout the disturbing ‘Slowly Sawn’. Riffs are monstrous enough to create a wall of noise to let the lyrics unfurl with glee.
‘Overtorture’ is a vociferous vortex of death metal that puts you right in the eye of the storm that it manages to whip up. Snare drums are like trip hammers to your temples as the song could shatter the readings on the Beaufort scale.
One last undulating blast to close the album comes from ‘Ceremonies Of The Flayed’. It’s a monumental end to show that the band are still at the top of their game. It oozes along on like a devilish dirge of moroseness as a snare driven testosterone pound comes out of nowhere.
Band links are here :- http://www.cannibalcorpse.net ….. https://twitter.com/CorpseOfficial ….. https://www.youtube.com/user/cannibalcorpse …..https://www.facebook.com/cannibalcorpse ….. https://amazon.co.uk/Violence-Unimagebed-Cannibal-Corpse/dp/B08VQVHY1B/?tag=plane09-21
Violence Unimagined album track listing :-
Murderous Rampage.
Necrogenic Resurrection.
Inhumane Harvest.
Condemnation Contagion.
Surround, Kill, Devour.
Ritual Annihilation.
Follow The Blood.
Bound And Burned.
Slowly Sawn.
Ceremonies Of The Flayed.
Cannibal Corpse band line up :-
George ‘Corpsegrinder’ Fisher – Lead Vocals.
Erik Rutan – Guitar.
Rob Barrett – Guitar.
Alex Webster – Bass guitar.
Paul Mazurkkiewicz – Drums.
- £11.55