Oh I’ve been waiting for this one for what seems a very long time since Capra’s self titled 2 x tracker hit me last May. From Southern Louisiana, these guys are re-writing hardcore rules with ease and branching their own take on how hardcore should be played, bringing a more severe intensity to their music which defies all rules.
And that’s exactly what follows intro track ‘(Exordium) ‘, one minute and thirteen seconds of ridiculous intensity, that’s the only way to describe ‘Hollow Doll ‘. Pure ridiculous intensity from the heart. ‘The Locust Preacher ‘ (video above) is what Capra do best. Technical speed changes, mixed with imagination and the ability to change a song in an instant. To send it on a different direction, to another world. This is perfect.
‘Medusa ‘ tells me that Capra are trying to get a message out there. Maybe not always vocally, but within their music is an opening to allow people to release. To confide in Capra. Not many bands can do that. Crow’s scintillatingly preaching vocals grow on you every song. She has everything. The beauty, the determination, the anger, the wisdom, and the will to fight for what she believes in. How can anyone not like this?

‘Torture Ship ‘ brings me to familiar territory as this is one of the songs from the self titled release last May. The song that made me fall in love with Capra. Check out the mid-section in this one. Crow’s vocals stunningly powerful, as they are on ‘Paper Tongues ‘, also from May’s release. This track defies hardcore logic in so many ways as it twists and turns through speeds and timings like a Rollercoaster.
‘Mutt ‘ is filled with undeniable class vocals of pure frustration and intensity. Listening to this is like sitting on the edge of a toppling chair, with some great old skool thrash beats thrown in, and there’s no time to breathe through ‘Transfiguration ‘ either. Speed and power throughout.
‘Red Guillotine ‘, ‘Deadbeat Assailant ‘ and the sensationally titled ‘Samuraiah Carey ‘ close this frantic, yet remarkable album. There really is no time to breathe throughout. Capra have given us an album here that oozes everything hardcore stands for. But more importantly, what makes it stand out as one of the best hardcore albums I’ve heard in terms of ferocity, power, intensity, anger, frustration, and imagination, is that Capra have changed the goalposts and are demonstrating to the world that hardcore can evolve. Lovely.

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