Every now and then a pearl of an album drops onto your lap that deserves attention. It may not be a new release, doesn’t have to be, but the content within it makes it criminal not to give it the exposure it deserves. ‘Parasitic Demise ‘ from Birmingham’s Chain Of Dissent is just that album.
Released in April 2020 in what would have been the beginning of the pandemic, it’s easy to see why this one has slipped through the net. Such a shame that I didn’t grab it prior to release.
Formed late October 2018 after the demise of Fear Insight / Hatework Conspiracy, Chain of Dissent are an anarcho hard-core diy band who deliver both recorded and live. They’ve suffered a few line-up changes along their journey but after cancelling a handful of gigs are now settling down with a solid line-up.

The album itself begins with a barrage of abusive noise as frontman Andy screams the opening track’s title (listen on the video link above). There’s a mixture throughout of classic late 80’s thrash mixed with the hardcore punk element that made so many bands stand out in that era. I actually believe that if this album was written 35 years ago Chain Of Dissent would have been one of those bands. With the huge diversity of thrash genres these days, this album is a breath of fresh air, especially for us, the more mature hardcore lovers as it takes us back to our roots and how we fell in love with thrash / hardcore in the first place.
There’s nothing super-technical about the tracks and none stand out individually, they don’t need to, as collectively they merge to become one brutal album filled with explicit time and mood changes, which just add to the enjoyment.
Vocally it touches political and important issues in most parts but the whole album is driven and directed by Andy’s powerful and aggressive vocal style. Very clever the way he gets his point across in a way that ‘You WILL listen to what I have to say’. Love that shit.
Track Listing:
1 – Hidden Agenda 2 – Truth Untold 3 – Domestic Terror 4 – Society Death Camp 5 – Mythomania
6 – Sanitize 7 – Parasitic Demise 8 – Run For Your Life 9 – Life’s Disgrace 10 – On The Fence
Line-Up (album):
Andy – Vocals / Fraz – Drums / Maccy – Guitars & Bass
Current Line-up:
Andy – Vocals / Fraz – Drums / Maccy – Guitars / Will – Bass
- £5