Welcome back Chasing The Fall, self proclaimed “Pop Punk/Rock band from Cheshire,UK” as they don’t just release their latest single “SH*THEAD”,they unleash it with a barrage of teenage, angst ridden rejection, point proven by the barrage of love lost lyrics in the above official lyric video.
It’s a bonus song taken from their recently released five track Game Face E.P. It rants and rages along on four minutes of pit opening prowess of hefty guitar riffing, bass guitar bombast, a head rattling drum barrage, all topped off by spat out lyrics that capture the songs passionate pleas which I saw them play when they played a sweaty, packed out gig at The Cheese Hall in Crewe last night.
Chasing The Fall band info :- http://chasingthefall.com
Chasing The Fall band personnel –
Andy Mac – Lead Vocals.
Alex Tomkinson – Drums.
Becki Todd – Bass Guitar.
Phil ‘Pip’ McMullin – Guitar.