Italian speed metalpunks CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY premiere the new track “Blackout” at Metal Hammer Norway’s website. The track hails from CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY’s highly anticipated second album, Future Decay, set for international release on August 19th via HELLS HEADBANGERS. Busy out cruising the post-apocalyptic wasteland and four long years after their cult-classic It’s Time to Face the Doomsday debut, the shit-hot CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY here crank up everything that made that record so special to so many listeners worldwide: more metal, more punk, more darkness, more fun, more crushing production, more crazed performances, more of MORE. Literally, everything on Future Decay is turned up to “11,” and then beyond! It’s often been said that CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY are the metalpunk analogue of the Mad Max films. With Future Decay, however, they mainline into musical form every cult ’80s movie to feature bikers, zombies, and zombie bikers and set them across a bleak, bombed-out landscape that’s their own choosing rather than one that’s already been created. And with it, CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY paint a portrait of Future Decay… Hear the next report from the wasteland exclusively HERE, courtesy of Norway’s leading metal magazine.
Tracklisting for CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY’s Future Decay
1. Future Decay
2. Remembrance Day
3. Blackout
4. Hold Up Your Fuel
5. Eaten Dust Overload
6. Under the Ripping Storm
7. Last Sunshine Gleaming
8. Fear the Mohawk Reaper