SoCal experimental group CHRYSALIS released their new album, Focus On The Center, this past February to great reviews and radio success. Now, the band is gearing up to kick off their upcoming U.S. tour, but are looking for assistance from fans and friends! See below for all pending dates on the upcoming tour. Want to see CHRYSALIS in your town, or just want to help out? Donate here via IndieGoGo: http://igg.me/at/ChrysalisTour2014/x.
The band has a modest fundraising goal of just $2,600, a fraction of their overall estimated touring cost which includes tour van maintenance, gas to get to and from city to city, merchandise to sell at their shows, food, equipment, and more.
Everyone that donates, no matter what amount, will have their name featured in print in the album notes of the band’s next record.
Donation incentives include signed albums, merch packs, private performances, and signed guitars.
In a band statement on the IndieGoGo page, “While being independent has allowed us to have full creative control over our music, it has been financially difficult to support ourselves while doing so. We’ve done everything within our financial means to get our music out there, and have recently gained some momentum (see reviews below). We realize however, that the best way to gain new fans and establish our career is through touring.”
Pending CHRYSALIS Tour Date Markets:
July 5th – San Diego
July 6th – Los Angeles
July 7th – Las Vegas
July 8th – Tucson AZ
July 9th – Phoenix AZ
July 10th – Albuquerque
July 11th – Amarillo TX
July 12th – Oklahoma City OK
July 13th – Dallas TX
July 14th – Austin TX
July 15th – San Antonio TX
July 16th – Houston TX
July 17th – Louisiana
July 18th – Alabama
July 19th – Florida
July 20th – Florida
July 21st – Georgia
July 22nd – Chapel Hill NC
July 23rd – Washington DC/Baltimore
July 24th – Philadelphia
July 25th – Brookfield CT
July 26th – New York/New Jersey
July 27th – Pittsburgh
July 28th – Ohio
July 29th – Indianapolis IN
July 30th – Michigan
July 31st – Chicago
August 1st – Cherry Valley IL
August 2nd – St. Louis
August 3rd – Kansas
August 4th – Iowa
August 5th – Nebraska
August 6th – Colorado
August 7th – Colorado
August 8th – Salt Lake City
August 9th – Utah
August 16th – Seattle
Boasting an inspiring and eclectic sound that sets them apart from their contemporaries, CHRYSALIS will appeal to fans of various rock, hard rock, and metal sub-genres. Focus On The Center was recorded by John Miller and Kris Comeaux (Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Lorene Drive), produced by John Miller, and mixed/mastered by Danny Concho (formerly of The Waiting Hurt).
CHRYSALIS formed in Barstow, CA in 2003. In 2006, CHRYSALIS released a full-length, self-titled symphonic metal influenced album at the height of the emo and post-hardcore scene. The 2006 release not only charted as one of the top all time sellers in the Gothic Metal genre on CDbaby, but also found a rabid foreign audience as streams in Europe steadily increased. In addition to heightened sales, CHRYSALIS earned a spot on the Vans Warped Tour in2009. Following the tour, the band shared the stage with the likes of Agent Orange, TSOL, A Day to Remember, Powerman 5000, Fear Before, Heavy Heavy Low Low, and The Apex Theory.
You can order Focus On The Center via iTunes at this link.
8.5 out of 10 http://bit.ly/1mjJLcC (RingMaster)
7 out of 10 http://bit.ly/1jUEyXH (SoundScape Magazine)
8 out of 10 http://bit.ly/1hIsKUe (OurZone Magazine)
9 out 10 http://bit.ly/1mjKoTm (Mind Equals Blown)
4 out of 5 http://t.co/zWXc3dPIBp (Sound Sphere)
“Indie’s Metal Monarchs; in less than thirty minutes of music, Chrysalis manages to push the boundaries of genre even more, with the song order arranged to be a perfect journey.” -MXDWN http://bit.ly/1jyeKPg
“A soundscape of brutal imagery and butchering guitar lines caressed by beautiful vocals and pounding rhythms that leave you breathless but diving in for more.” -Pittsburgh Music Magazine http://bit.ly/1co3ZxD
“This is not an album for kids who listen to metal. This is for the adults… Extremely complex, smart, and has twists and turns in every song.” -MusicUG http://bit.ly/LNy2UJ
“The production quality is flawless as the whole thing just sounds huge. There’s something here for everyone; some chugging heavy metal guitars and drums, some prog noodling and some electronic samples that sound rather fantastic.” -Metal Newz http://bit.ly/1dCyhsz
“Yessi Burton” – Vocals, Studio Guitars, Keys
Gabe Gallego – Guitars
Chris Norris – Guitars, Vocals
Jared Sturgis – Bass
Billy Norris – Drums
For more information on CHRYSALIS, please visit these websites: