Crossfaith have today unveiled their forthcoming album ‘Xeno’ in full. The Josh Wilbur (A7X, Lamb Of God, Hatebreed) produced album is now streaming in full online ahead of the official Sept 18th release on UNFD.“After releasing our last album Apocalyze, we toured the world and had so many great experiences, but something awful happened. Our guitarist Kazu had a brain haemorrhage which affected his left arm – I couldn’t imagine how scared he was about it, he’s not just a band member, more like family. We spent a long time to discussing what would happen next, but Kazu told us simply ‘I will never give up’.”
“His words pushed us to the next level, so we started writing for XENO. When we listened to the title track Xeno at producer Josh Wilbur’s studio, we all cried as we celebrated the birth of Xeno. I just can’t wait to share this experience with everyone!” – Kenta Koie
Listen to the album HERE
This record has a story of hope, failure, love, betrayal and death woven into its fabric so skillfully it’s impossible to tell where truth ends and fiction begins. It’s both an escape from and examination of reality that reveals more and more truths the further it delves.
Xeno is a character, two to be exact. This is an intricate story of artificial intelligence meets human desperation. The two combine to see the human Xeno, so distraught with the state of the world that he endeavours to bring creation through devastation.
An artistic endeavour like few others, with roots in manga, anime and the furthest reaches of its creators’ minds, ‘Xeno’ catapults Frontman Kenta ‘Ken’ Koie, guitarist Kazuki Takemura, bassist Hiroki ‘Hiro’ Ikegawa, keyboardist Terufumi ‘Teru’ Tamano and drummer Tatsuya Amano to another level.
Check out the video for the first official single ‘Devil’s Party’
Crossfaith will be touring the UK in November as main support to Skindred. Full dates below
CROSSFAITH (Supporting Skindred)
- 04 NOV O2 Guildhall, Southampton
- 05 NOV UEA, Norwich
- 06 NOV Rock City, Nottingham
- 07 NOV Academy, Manchester
- 08 NOV O2 Academy, Newcastle
- 10 NOV O2 ABC, Glasgow
- 11 NOV Stylus, Leeds
- 12 NOV O2 Academy, Bristol
- 13 NOV O2 Institute, Birmingham
- 14 NOV O2 Brixton Academy, London
‘Xeno’ Track Listing:
1. System X
2. Xeno
3. Raise Your Voice
4. Devil’s Party
5. Ghost In The Mirror (feat. Caleb Shomo from Beartooth)
6. Dystopia
7. Wildfire (feat. Benji Webbe from Skindred)
8. Tears Fall
9. Paint It Black
10. Vanguard
11. Calm The Storm
12. Astral Heaven
Kenta ‘Ken’ Koie vocals Kazuki Takemura guitar Hiroki ‘Hiro’ Ikegawa bass
Terufumi ‘Teru’ Tamano keyboard Tatsuya Amano drums