With their new album ” Kings Of Carnage” sitting rather nicely in the German album chart, we decided to brave the blood soaked, gorefest that is Debauchery the band and dig deeper to find out exactly what makes frontman Thomas tick.
Firstly, welcome to Planetmosh and thanks for taking the time out of a very busy schedule to talk to us. As I write these questions you’re in the middle of some Scandinavian tour dates, how has it been going? Hey, yes. I`m in Denmark right now. Yesterday Sweden, before that Norway and Finland. It`s really cool for us to be on this tour, because most of our shows are in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. How would you describe a typical Debauchery live show, if there is such a thing, do you have a lot of theatrics, blood etc? Always artificial blood, sometimes a Blood Babe strip show, otherwise Rock`n`Roll. One guitar, one bass, drums and voice. No Samplers, no playback, nothing. Reduced to the basics, like Motörhead. I must congratulate you on the new album “Kings Of Carnage”, which I had the pleasure of reviewing. Talk us through the writing and recording process for the album, did it take longer than on previous efforts? Thanks a lot, cool you like it. It didn`t take longer than the other records. I always work on a new album for about 9 months, other people spawn new people in that time, so that has to be enough. I also think Rock should not be over-thought. If something rocks it`s cool, if not it sucks.You manage to keep the imagery along side the music side of the band very well, it seems like an equal partnership. Are you conscious not to let the stageshow overshadow the bands sound? For some people it already did. They think we only have blood and tits on stage. But the real audience, the real DEBAUCHERY maniacs know that it`s all about the music. You can`t keep a band growing for 10 years with pictures only. You need good songs, that`s the most important thing. But I like monsters, so I want them in the booklet and the shirts as well. As the band celebrates 10 years of recording, how do you look back on the debut “Kill, Maim, Burn” now and what are the biggest changes the band has made since those early days? Kill Maim Burn has a terrible production, wish I had met Dennis Ward in 2003 and not in 2005. And the biggest change is my own abilities. The creation process and everything are still the same.I wanted to make a cool Heavy Metal album from the start. Hope I do better know than in the beginning. I know it’s early but have you a time scale in mind for the release of the next album? Haha, yes, 2014 will come another BLOOD GOD album, the studio is already booked for autumn 2013. After that I have no idea. Can we expect more of the same in terms of musical style, or have you any different avenues you would like to explore? Not so much different I think. The BLOOD GOD album will be real Hard Rock and Heavy Metal and the next DEBAUCHERY record more brutal again. When writing an album, do you tend to focus on one song at a time or will you get an overall idea going for the album first? I work on everything simultaneously. Art, lyrics, ideas, music, riffs...everything at once. What are the touring plans for the rest of the year? Two more shows of the Scandinavian tour and than in November and December we go on tour with Eisregen. Have you played over in the U.K. yet and if not, why not?! Yes as support for Destruction. But only 2 shows 5 years ago. And yes, we would like to play more in the UK but I think people do not like us or do not know of us so far...haha. Hopefully this will change some day, perhaps even with the Kings Of Carnage album. Outside of the band, what makes a great day for you, any side projects, etc? I have the Hard Rock thing BLOOD GOD going, I write on my own tabletop wargame Carnage and the background 'World of Blood Gods' Tabletop wargaming is a great thing for me. Killing people, painting monsters and stuff. Really nerdy but really cool also. Finally, it just remains for me to thank you for the time and to let you describe Debauchery to those who may not have come across the band as of yet. I would say DEBAUCHERY is Heavy Metal with a Monstervoice. Cheers...and Let there be Blood!!
-- DEBAUCHERY BLOOD GOD debauchery.de bloodgodkills.com bloodstore.de facebook.com/bloodgodkills facebook.com/debaucherykills facebook.com/bloodgodrocks Blood God: "No Brain. But Balls!" in stores! Debauchery: KINGS OF CARNAGE #62 GER album charts