Dirt Box Disco who, in their own words, describe themselves as ‘Born in the UK from the malfunction of a terrible musical chemical laboratory experiment!‘ officially release their fifth album ‘Poppycock’ via STP Records today (15th April 2017) with an album launch show at the Star and Garter, Manchester today. The gig is sold out so don’t just appear hoping to get in because ‘If your name’s not down you’re not getting in!’
What is Poppycock? Official definition – senseless chatter, nonsense! Urban Dictionary definition – bullshit. Does Poppycock live up to it’s defintion? It certainly starts off with a bit of bullshit in the opening track, the hard hitting The Bullshit Kids with some great riffs and a Buzzcocks vibe. I thought the next track Finger Blast was going to be about some poor unfortunate soul who managed to blast their finger off at the local clay pigeon shooting range, I was a way out with that thought! Great tune and very poignant, I mean who needs a man when you’ve got fingers. That’s Danny Fingers out of a job then? Punk Rock Riot is bound to be a great singalong at their riotus gigs and the riffs sounded like police sirens in places. Little White Lies a gentler one like a punk rock ballad!
Working For Wankers another anthemic one with a reggae beat in places. With it’s punishing beat, to match the lyrics, Fat Kid could be a warning, if you don’t want to end up fronting a punk band wearing oversized babygrows then keep off the crisps and sweets! Great singalong song as you can shout as loud as you like ‘You are the Fat Kid’ and no one knows exactly who are you shouting it at!
A military beat opens Snorting Crack From A Girls Top Rack before it moves into a more hard hitting number, with a nod to the Anti-Nowhere League. Lazy Bastard with a gentle start and Spunk shouting ‘Mum’ before Weab sings ‘Put the kettle on’ about people who still rely on their parents for brews, food and Dad’s taxi! Nothing wrong with that! Slap Dash and Haphazard had me thinking of The Macc Lads’ Sweaty Betty. Geronimo great opening guitar screech, pummelling beat, and poignant lyrics ‘Don’t wish your days away’ ‘Where did all the years go? How did I get old?!’ happens to us all! Imaginary Friend think of the Buzzcocks doing Showaddywaddy or vice versa!
Then we come to the penultimate track the hard hitting Somethings Are Better Left Unsaid with Spunk Volcano taking the lead vocals and some great riffs from Danny Fingers. I Hate This City with it’s reggae beat is like a mad Ska Punk version of Starship’s We Built This City, Ok maybe not quite but that’s the song I thought of!
More nonsense and bullshit from Dirt Box Disco then? Poppycock! I’m not bullshitting when I say it’s yet another ‘Punk Rock Riot’ of an album with some great anthems, singalongs and poignant observations from the man behind the mask!
Track List:
1. The Bullshit Kids (explicit)
2. Finger Blast (explicit)
3. Punk Rock Riot (explicit)
4. Little White Lie
5. Working For Wankers (explicit)
6. Fat Kid (explicit)
7. Snorting Crack From A Girls Top Rack (explicit)
8. Lazy Bastard (explicit)
9. Slapdash And Haphazard (explicit)
10. Geronimo
11. Imaginary Friend
12. Somethings Are Better Left Unsaid (explicit)
13. I Hate This City
Band Members:
Main Vocals – Weab.i.am
Guitar and Vocals – Spunk Volcano
Drums and Vocals – Maff Fazzo
Lead Guitar and Vocals – Danny Fingers
Bass and Vocals – Deadbeatz Chris
Dirt Box Disco – Facebook / Twittter / Website
STP Records – Facebook / Twitter / Website
- £7.99