The day has finally come for Einherjer to launch their new single Nidstong!
The digital release is out today! And for those of you waiting for the physical format the 7-inch is set to hit the stores at the 25th of August.
Go HERE to order your copy and/or get the download now!
And for all of you out there longing for that limited edition 7-inch, don’t despair! To shorten your wait Einherjer is releasing a brand new music video. Watch it HERE.
Meet the fall and the fading winter sun with some northern courage!
And remember Nidstong is simply a preview of what to await from Einherjers upcoming album which is set to be released on the 27th of October. So keep updated!
For more music by Einherjer check out their album Norrøn, which made the official Norwegian album charts, on Spotify, Wimp or iTunes, or get the record itself at amazon, platekompaniet or cdon.
Follow Einherjer on facebook to keep updated or go to the band’s homepage.