It’s a fierce and filthy debut full-length release from Encryptment!
With Encryptment hailing from Gothenburg, you would be forgiven for expecting that classic Swedish melodic DM to be the order of the day. Well, this four-piece will blow that away for you within the first seconds of this album! The title track literally rips its way out of your speakers, like a demonic blackened hybrid of old school Entombed. Throw in the frenetic pace of grindcore, and the harsh shouts of crust punk, and you will have some idea of what to expect. It is ferocious stuff that drags you screaming and kicking in its wake. One of the most breathtaking lead tracks I have heard in a good while!
The question now, is is this the pace that is going to continue throughout? 8 tracks – 33 minutes. Can’t see any progressive stuff on the horizon meself…
Lo and behold, the second track “Liens Praktfulla Dans” comes at you like a rabid Great White Shark on steroids. Lots of them. The pace is ridiculously fast, and it has teeth that will gleefully rip your ears to shreds. Much more on the grind side of things, yet it carries a black metal vibe to it as well which adds a creepy and sinister atmosphere to proceedings!
Like being attacked with a bloody great axe…
Yes, the unbridled savagery of “Silver Tongue” is a full-on attack to the senses. Maintaining a more D-Beat riff and beat throughout most of its first minute, we then get a frenzied axe murderer attack of blastbeats before a slower section. You’ll be greatful for it, as after a rather splendid guitar solo, the carnage recommences in earnest!
A somewhat slower, and groovier riff sets the state of play for “Central Disharmoni“. A couple of little instances of a clean and simple 3 note guitar lick add a bit of eerieness. Then halfway through, get ready to bang your head, with the album’s best riff so far! Then cue another sinister and slower part, before the main riff kicks back in to take us to the end of this track.
The punk within Encryptment rears its crusty head on “Existens I Ambivalens“. Though this is punk with blast beats and death metal vocals! The kind of thing Velociraptors would have produced had they access to guitars and amps back in their day…
So far this has not disappointed…
With three songs remaining, will I be let down, and have to suffer some minor disappointment? The answer of course is “Don’t be such a pussy Steve!” And “Plågospiral” just enforces how consistent this album has been this far. It’s more of the high octane blackened D-beat filth, and sets us up for a bit of a surprise with the next track.
While not eschewing ridiculously fast blastbeats, track seven “Poisonous Salvation” is overall a much slower track. Pregnant with menace, it oozes forth, continuing to bludgeon your ears.
And onto our final track. at a second over 6 minutes, I was expecting this to be possibly a bit into blackened doom territory. And the first 20 seconds or so had me fooled. Then it hit. Like a black tidal wave of absolute horror and brutality! “Withered Hands” is a fantastic ending to a very breathtaking album.
To some it up…
Much like the Blood Chalice album I reviewed several weeks back, this is a tour de force in heads down aural battery. The unrelenting pace and savagery, delivered through a splendid and organic production. With plenty of hooks and riffs to bang your head to, it cannot be criticised!
If you love your death metal fast, ferocious, very filthy, and savage, then this is the ideal album for you! Ensure to have it playing when the Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons are knocking on doors! Effing MARVELLOUS!!!
The album is released on 11/11/2022
Track listing
01 – Dödens Födsel
02 – Liens Praktulla Dans
03 – Silver Tongue
04 – Central Disharmoni
05 – Existens i Ambivalens
06 – Plågospiral
07 – Poisonous Salvation
08 – Withered Hands

Links You can get their 2019 demo from here!
- 11 Euros