Winnipeg death thrash outfit Endless Chaos have unleashed the third and final track ‘Condemned To The Pit’ from their three song debut EP ‘Rejected Atrocity’ to complete the full FREE download for its official release, March 4th.
“‘Condemned To The Pit’, the final track on the EP, really captures where we are going as a band. It is a real heavy and intricate two part banger with lyrical content about being put to death and being sent to hell. We hope while the listener is listening he/she is overcome with an overwhelming sense to get in that pit and bring a little chaos of their own.” comments vocalist Jordan Dorge.
In addition to the EP being available digitally, limited edition vinyl (200 copies) will be released on Filth Regime Records at a later date in March.
Bandcamp – FREE Download – https://endlesschaos1.bandcamp.com/track/condemned-to-the-pit
Soundcloud – FREE Download – https://soundcloud.com/endlesschaoswpg/condemned-to-the-pit
EP FREE Download – https://endlesschaos1.bandcamp.com/ | https://soundcloud.com/endlesschaoswpg/sets/endless-chaos-rejected
Youtube Song Streams:
Rejected Atrocity
Sacrificial Ritual
Condemned To The Pit
The EP was inspired by one of the finest horror movies of all time, Re-Animator, and after sharing the stage with well known bands such as Skeletonwitch, 3 Inches of Blood, Wretched, Aborted and Kataklysm, the band’s direction was clear to set out to carefully craft their debut EP, ‘Rejected Atrocity’.
Track Listing – Rejected Atrocity’
1. Rejected Atrocity
2. Sacrificial Ritual
3. Condemned to the Pit
Live Video – Endless Chaos performing Rejected Atrocity
For more info, please visit these links: