Evilyn Strange – Mourning Phoebe

Evilyn Strange - Mourning PhoebeEvilyn Strange is a three piece band with to English members and one Swede.  This album was a long time in the making with recording starting in early 2011 and not finishing till May 2012.  Since then they’ve released three singles, and a year ater completing recording, have recently released the album.

The album is a blend of hard rock and melodic rock.  There are some great songs here that stand up very well to repeat listening without getting boring.  The vocals sound good, and there’s some excellent guitar playing, with some great solos.  The drumming feels a little odd though – the snare drum sound just seems a bit too sharp and lacking in bass and power, but that’s just my opinion and it doesn’t affect the enjoyment of the record.

Check out the video below and hear for yourself what the band sound like..

Track listing:

1. The ballad of Evelyn Strange
2. Your eyes give you away
3. Everything
4. All that you do (you do for you)
5. Narcissistic bar statistic
6. The world needs someone like you
7. Love finds you
8. No mercy
9. Please don’t tell me
10. Just a little
11. Will you be there (Kate’s song)

About Ant May

I spend half my life at gigs or festivals and the other half writing the reviews and editing photos, and somehow find time for a full time job too. Who needs sleep - I've got coffee.