Arriving at the Rescue Rooms tonight to see Fozzy I must admit I had never heard of the opening band Sumo Cyco. Upon hearing lead female vocalist Sever’s powerful vocal and personality however, I instantly liked this band. Disregard any images of a dainty, shy lead vocalist. This lady has industrial strength balls and a full on attitude. Attired in what appeared to be a Red Riding Hood inspired dress the Canadian cheekily treated a few blushing onlookers to a flash due to the shortness of the outfit. Far from being a one woman show Sumo Cyco also has Thor, M.D and Wolf combining to offer a sound that can only be described as a heavier version of No Doubt. Within minutes Sever has jumped off the stage into the crowd. The set list escapes me as I was too busy working out a safe place to hide but I do recommend checking out the band.
Nonpoint open their set with an impressively loud greeting of fffuuuuckkkkkk!! bellowed by

lead singer Elias Soriano followed by a mutual crash of guitar and drums. A mad flurry of free flowing dreadlocks descends from all directions during Victim, a goading sight for bald drummer Robb Rivera. I could literally see his hair envy. Hailing from sunny Florida, Elias remarks how cold it is over here and issues a warning that he will be progressively drunk throughout the night, after which he downs a bottle of Carlsberg and continues with What a Night and Pins and Needles before slowing things down a fraction for In the Air Tonight. I am going to say out of personal preference Phil Collins version sucks in comparison, the monkey from the ad needs to take lessons from Nonpoint’s drummer. Alive and Kicking leads up to Bullet with a Name on It, saving the best for last after a monumental turbo charged set.The teasing intro to War Pigs blares out over the speakers as Fozzy take to the stage for this, one of the final shows on the tour, an impressive 115 shows in 15 countries over the course of

17 months. The opening track Do You Wanna Start a War? is greeted with crowd chants of Foz-zy. Lead singer Chris Jericho clearly revels in the attention allowing himself to stand motionless caught in the clear admiration from his fans. Most of the songs came from 2014 album Do You Wanna Start a War?, including Tonight, Bad Tattoo, and Lights go Out. The cover of Abba’s hit S.O.S weirdly worked too, providing a slightly more melodic edge. There was also Spider in my Mouth, Sandpaper and She’s my Addiction from the bands 2013 album Sin and Bones.
Jericho’s showmanship antics are present as he has multiple clothing changes throughout the night, switching between sequinned jackets to ones emblazoned with flashing lights, no shirt and a black scarf. It’s all over the top however there’s no doubting the crowd love it, the novelty of a larger than life wrestler in a rock band is clearly not lost. Tour manager James Dockey was brought on stage during the breakdown of Enemy, and the band applauded him for his work during the tour, by the look on his face the task hasn’t been an easy one.
Set List:
Do You Wanna Start a War, Tonight, To Kill a Stranger, One Crazed Anarchist, Sin and Bones, She’s my Addiction, God Pounds his Nails, Spider in my Mouth, S.O.S., Lights go Out, Enemy, Bad Tattoo, Sandpaper, Eat the Rich.
Images by Sean Larkin Photography
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