Gnawing Hunger-Insidious-Single Review-Planetmosh

Gnawing Hunger

Reviewed by:
On 13 July 2024
Last modified:13 July 2024


Gnawing Hunger make no bones about their prowess as they fire out new single 'Insidious'.

All hail Birmingam based noisemongers Gnawing Hunger as they spew out the venom with brand new single ‘Insidious’, another ferocious offering, hot on the heels following their April release of, ‘The Great Illusion’.

Jackhammer blow drum assaults caught my attention from the off, pounding and pummeling with no respite throughout four ferocious minutes of insane metal, thrashed out with malicious intent, point proven by a cathartic, venomous lead vocal of throat flaying intensity. Speaker rattling riffs and a bullying bass assault to the senses are a rewarding to the senses that should carry a government health warning!

Gnawing Hunger band info is here :-

Gnawing Hunger band personnel :-

Mark Shenton – Lead Vocals.

Nick Masters – Guitar.

Jack Skelton – Guitar.

Neil Higgs – Bass Guitar.

Spike Watson – Bass Guitar.

Gnawing Hunger make no bones about their prowess as they fire out new single 'Insidious'.

About Dennis Jarman

Full time downtrodden album/gig reviewer and part time rock God!