Tonight Heavens Basement and The Smoking Hearts were at Wulfrun Hall in Wolverhampton supporting Black Veil Brides. With a crowd consisting of 99% teenage girls and given how dedicated BVB fans are to their band I was wondering how the support acts would fare. The venue was packed out well before the opening act, The Smoking Hearts, took to the stage. They’re a London based rock band, and while things started off sounding pretty good their singer decided to try getting the crowd to sing along during the first song and while he got some response it did seem to fall a bit flat – had he left it till the last song by which time they’d won the crowd over then I think they’d have had a far better reaction from the crowd. Any fears that the BVB fans wouldn’t be interested in the support bands was soon dispelled as they managed to win over more and more of the crowd as they played. The smoking hearts aren’t a band to stand there and play, and instead spent the whole time running around the stage or leaping in the air as they played – a great energetic performance. The songs that they played tonight all come from their debut album, Victory, which based on their performance tonight should be well worth checking out. This was my first time seeing the band but they definitely impressed me and I look forward to seeing them again.
Off with your head
Blue nun
The Natural disasters

Heavens Basement were next up following the best soundcheck you’re likely to hear. Instead of the usual microphone checks with a roadie saying “one two, one two” repeatedly as they adjust the levels, Heavens Basement had their tour manager singing Metallica to check the levels, and the crowd even joined in as well – that’s the first time I’ve heard a crowd singing along to the soundcheck. Heavens Basement kicked off with “Welcome home” and from the start put in a very high energy performance. Singer Aaron Buchanan was constantly racing around the stage and when not standing on a small riser at the front of the stage, was leaping off it. Sid Glover on guitar was just as energetic and constantly on the move – in fact the whole band were full of energy and enthusiasm. The Smoking Hearts had gone down well with the crowd but Heavens Basement took it up a notch getting a fantastic response from the crowd. Normally when I’ve been to gigs at this venue the bar area is fairly busy during the support bands as people wait for the headliners, but tonight it’s almost completely empty with everybody in the main part of the hall to watch Heavens Basement, which should give you an idea of just how good they are.
A great performance by both Heavens Basement and The Smoking Hearts.
Welcome home
Can’t let go
Fire fire
I am electric
Nothing left to lose
Executioners day