Ok, before we begin. I want full disclosure before you read anymore of this review. I have known Ingested for around 10 years now, and in recent times I have become acquainted with them to the point of being on a first name basis. So please, when you read this review, know that it’s coming from somewhat of a fanboy of this band. Also that this review wouldn’t have existed without Jason Evans (Ingested‘s Vocalist) getting me the contacts for a review copy of this album. Having said that, this album f***ing kills.
In case you’re unfamiliar, Ingested are a Slam Death Metal band from Manchester, and quickly became icons in the scene worldwide. The band make no apologies and give even less f***s. And rightly so, as when the band came onto the scene, the Slam scene was on it’s last legs if anything. Bands set in their ways of throaty growls and pig squeal vocals and production that would give Black Metal bands a hard-on but turns others away. The band said screw that and with influences of the genre and many more influences in other places, they set of on a journey to where only the slam gods may truly tread.
I remember once seeing Ingested support. Front row, no barrier and ever so often being choked by Jason (I liked it, don’t kink shame me). I don’t actually think I’ve head-banged so hard and so fast in my life. To the point I actually pulled the muscles in my neck, spending the night staring at the floor and the following 2 days recovering. There’s just something in Sean Hynes and Sam Yates guitar riffs being fuelled by Lyn Jeff’s drums, that make you instinctively head-bang whilst pulling a face like you just smelt a really putrid fart (you know the face).

While this album brings the riffs or in this case the slams. They’ve exchanged some of their speed and brutality for atmosphere and a bucket load of scope. This album feels Mammoth in size. A Behemoth off it’s hinges and rolling through the land. The final track “Leap Of The Faithless” I feel is the perfect example of how large they’ve been able to make this album feel, both sonically and time wise. Clocking in at just over 9 minutes this track isn’t the best way to introduce yourself to this album or band. But is instead the perfect way to end this album.
But it’s not all riffs and Lovecraftian introspection (that would be their previous release The Call Of The Void EP), it also brings in elements of other genres. With the track “The Burden of Our Failures” feeling like a fusion of hardcore and slam with the gloomy solo that makes me want to jump into a hardcore pit whilst battling corpse paint. And with Vincent Bennet of The Acacia Strain featuring on the track I implore you to listen and try and tell me you didn’t find yourself grooving along.
Speaking of featured vocalists Kirk Windstein of Crowbar makes an appearance on this album. In the single “Another Breathe“, a Marmite song of the album. With it’s dark atmosphere and unique vocal delivery by Windstein. It’s either a whiny track, in a otherwise amazing album, or a stand out in both the album and the bands discography. If it is indeed a Marmite track, then burn me, butter me up and call me toast because I want to be covered in this.
Vocally this album is all over the place in the best way possible. The range of vocal delivery on display is insane. While Jason gives of his growls, grunts and snarls which earned him the title of “The Slam King” (yes, really). His use of high shrieks and screams has greatly improved and I weirdly found myself wanting more highs than lows in this album. Which is like saying I want to hear less political songs in a Dead Kennedys’ record, it’s kind of a staple. Don’t get me wrong Jason’s growls are still sweet on the ear, in particular they drop in the album’s first single “Dead Seraphic Forms“, Christ alive it’s sickening, I love it.
Ambitious is not really a word often used to describe Slam, I feel. Slam bands these days know what they want and do it right, the good ones that is (hello again Stillbirth). But Ingested seem to be ever chasing a sound unlike their peers. Wanting to evolve constantly and never be seen as formulaic. While to everyone’s Gran, they will think every song, album, hell even a completely different band will sound the same. This album is a new step in a direction that I can see ruffling fans of the genre and band for that matter. But I feel it is a cornerstone in their pantheon and an album of the year contender without a doubt. 5/5 Stars

- Follow The Deceiver
- No Half Measures
- Impending Dominance
- The List
- The Burden Of Our Failures (ft. Vincent Bennett)
- Dead Seraphic Forms 04:38
- Another Breath (ft. Kirk Windstein)
- Black Pill (ft. Matt Honeycutt)
- Forsaken In Desolation
- Leap Of The Faithless
Record Label: Unique Leader Records
- £14.37