Jack J Hutchinson has his roots in the blues, albeit on the heavier side, point proven by ‘Road To Hell’ of course not a cover of the Chris Rea classic but a song taken off his current studio album ‘Battles’. It’s new lyric is a Western inspired video that features a dystopian future, inspired by the song lyrics.
Jack proclaims, “Road To Hell is the first song I’ve written, where I’ve embodied a character within the narrative. I envisaged a version of myself, perhaps thirty years from now, reflecting on what once was all the choices, both bad and good, that I’ve made through life. It’s about still finding that spark, no matter what life has dealt you.”
Jack has just embarked on his latest UK headline tour which will also be the final leg of his Battles album and tour.
To my ears it’s a powerful song with a powerful delivery and a powerful song subject. It’s one of his more laid back songs but still hits hard and heavy right between the eyes for a caustic put up or shut up vibe. A snails pace midsection, bursts back to life for a guitar heavy outro. Job well and truly done Jack!
All the info you need for Jacks music and tour dates are here:- jackjhutchinsonmusic.com