James Phillips is a very well known and respected guy from North Wales. He’s probably put more gigs on as a promoter than I have ever been to. His love for music, especially live music is to be respected in the highest manner. But he does play himself in his band Dilation, and has now released this solo album, ‘Bones ‘.
Now, this won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, however, those who know James will fully attach and immerse themselves to this album, and love it. It’s a trip into James’ world, and it’s a very trippy world. The album is mostly spoken word but what makes the album so special is the words that are spoken within it.

‘Blanket Fort ‘ gives us a great insight into James’ mind and ways of thinking, but it also educates and makes us think ‘you know what, he’s right’.
‘Tales ‘ starts with a beautiful Indian style sound leading to some more spoken word. Such a relaxing three and a half minutes. Very clever indeed to keep the listener listening with such little effort. As the album progresses, it grips you, educates you. ‘Professor Ambrose ‘ gives us the first track of full singing and James excels here too. Accompanied by another Indian-style instrument (please don’t ask me what it is!), but it just sounds great.
Like I said, this won’t be everybody’s cup of tea but what’s interesting is the way that James can slide in and out if melodic vocals and spoken word, demonstrated in ‘Flash Wobble Lockdown ‘, as he tries to make sense of what I assume are the lockdown rules we’ve had to try and understand over the last twelve months. As the album hits the B side of the vinyl edition, we learn more about James and his thoughts, which have really interested me throughout this album. ‘The Only Fruit ‘ captivates you though words, while ‘Discomfort ‘ you bend your brain into confusion, as will title track ‘Bones ‘.
This album gives us something new, yet strange, and you’ve got to be ready to take it. To take a trip into the world of James Phillips. Try telling me you’re not a better person at the end of it. Lovely.

- Download (Free) / Vinyl (£10)