The songs came together quickly, and before they knew it, they had conceived a thrilling batch of new material that succeed in capturing the spontaneity and excitement of people who are passionate about making music and that have the experience to do it well.
The songs swing and shuffle savagely. They are dynamic and diverse, and while each stands as an achievement on its own, together they provide an ever-changing escape into a variety of audio environments, with Angell’s narrative and vivid imagery lighting the way.
“While we were writing the songs for this record I was having some strange dreams.” Angell remembers. “I usually write narratively or autobiographically. There is still plenty of that in this record, but I also wanted to bring some of what I remember from those dreams into the songs as well.”
Angell’s voice can best be described as lived in. It is smokey, versatile and articulate but most importantly, believable. With it he tells the stories of colorful characters, contemplates relationships, and shares dreamy imagery, all the while spurring the listener to expand on the limits we allow ourselves to go.
“If there is one consistent theme I kept coming across, it was, let’s leave the past where it belongs.” Angell says.
“Band names are a lot like cops: There’s never one around when you need one,” Angell jokes. “We had a great album and we were in need of a name. We wanted something that sounded like a place, a novel or a television series. We started throwing things together that fit that criteria, and we arrived at STATICLAND. Maybe it’s a place where things don’t change and these songs are our plan of escape.”
“I like to think of this record as taking an obstacle and turning it to an opportunity. It’s an invitation to roll the dice.
Fri 20 Nottingham Rock City, UK
Sat 21 Glasgow Attic, UK
Sun 22 Sheffield Corporation, UK
Mon 23 London Black Heart, UK