Day three dawned quite bright and early, which was good as there was another full day ahead. It took a while to get some breakfast so it was straight into the press room for interviews. After this I walked round the corner to the acoustic stage for a bit of The Dogheads which held a really good crowd who were themselves making a fair bit of noise with their cheers. I wanted to see as much as possible so only stayed a short while before heading over to the main stage for Scam. Looking at the crowd I think it was a fairly evenly divided between both stages, which is a good representation of the bands playing. I really enjoyed this set as well as the new song they played which I think was called ‘The Holy City’. I didn’t catch the name of their last song but it was seriously rocky and the guitar work was great!
I decided to hang around and watch a bit of The Goddamn Electric who brought more people to the main stage area. I was hearing some good reports in the crowd about their earlier acoustic set with a few at the end overheard asking who the band was and saying they were definitely going to find out more about them. So some new fans gained there…and that’s what it’s all about. Of their set, ‘Revive and Survive’ was my favourite with the bass drum sounding like an earthquake.
Next I headed over again to the press area to interview Jettblack just after they arrived…well, if I must. Unfortunately due to timing I missed Massive Wagons but from the reviews from those leaving the venue afterwards it sounded like one of the top sets of the festival. Which makes it even more of a real shame as that was one of the sets I was most looking forward to. I however catch up with them later for another interview. This is one of the things I love the most about my job; interviewing and this one was another cracker – a really nice bunch of blokes.

But enough of the press room and back to the main stage for Estrella. I saw them for the first time in Ibiza in May and enjoyed the set then, but this time I thought they were much better. Perhaps because the room at Les Fest allowed a better atmosphere which helped you to be surrounded by the music. Either way I thought they really pulled it out of the bag with this set…in fact it was bloody blinding. It’s also always fun to see bands leave the stage and move into the audience. This time it was the turn of Luke Gunn; bringing his guitar skills into the crowd to be surrounded immediately. Top work.
Luckily this was followed up by Afterlife who collected an even bigger audience as the crowd began to swell in preparation for the last evening of music. I really enjoyed this set as well and from the reaction of the crowds I would say this was another top set of the festival for many. As were the next band Triaxis. After seeing their acoustic set the day before I really wanted to see their electric set and it was great to see people at the front dancing and singing along to the songs. Clearly Triaxis were one of the bands they had travelled there to see.
After this it was earning my keep again with more interviews followed by much needed dinner and then back to the main stage to catch the rest of Scarlett Riot. A young band indeed but a confident one; easy to see where they will be in a few years’ time. Another favourite and another set of guitars making their way into the crowd one after the other.

The penultimate band of the festival was Jettblack who produced an absolutely cracking set. I took absolutely no notes during their set as I was too busy with my barrier view and singing. From what I could see the room looked full, though there was definitely a good crowd gathered where I was standing really enjoying the set. I unfortunately had missed their show in London earlier in the year (which I hear was their best gig) so I was hoping for a great show that evening and that is exactly what we got. Brilliant and could easily have been the headlining set. However, there was one more band to come in this weekend of music and that was Swedish rockers Bonafide. There had been a fair bit of excitement from the festival go’ers about Bonafide and I know many were looking forward to seeing them that evening. So after waiting three days to see them were they worth it? Just ask a selection of the audience, who at the end were very hyped up and exclaiming about the set as well as buying merchandise. I think it’s fair to say they rocked that crowd and left them very happy indeed. A definite headliner set for a headlining band.
But I’m afraid that is where it all ended…well it didn’t end, there was plenty more shenanigans to be had until the early/late hours in the morning which allowed about a 2 hour nap before packing up the tent (always a bit depressing) and making the long journey back to London and the 9-5.
So the only thing left to say is thank you Les Fest for a brilliant weekend! I shall definitely see you next year. \m/