‘In the original Latin, Maestus makes reference to a state of mourning, a theme that finds voice in lyrics which explore the threads between despondency and bitterness. Maestus reflects the principle of misery as it moves through the world in life, death, and memory, and of the ceaseless decay which both precedes and follows it.’
Taken from the bands bio for the new album, never can a statement like the above be more true.
Oregon based Black Doomsters Maestus release this their 2nd full length album on the 8th February. Some would call it a long EP as there are only four songs on offer. But these aren’t songs, these are tales. Anthems of pure imaginative class. There is no song under ten minutes long, such is the story that Maestus tells us in each track. Title track ‘Deliquesce’ is perfection, from the beautifully relaxing intro given to us by keyboards and piano, to the depressing ending almost sixteen minutes later. The peaceful intro is interrupted by some stunningly lazy, yet powerful guitar work. SP’s vocals hit with power, like a rising beast awoken from his hibernation. And then suddenly all is quiet again as the song transforms into an almost silent mid-section. The feeling and emotion on offer is something that not a lot of bands can pull off in the way that Maestus can. You get the feeling that the music alone is telling a story. It takes you on another path, it draws you in.
The ability to transform from aggressive Doom to tranquillity in the blink of an eye is something very special, and each track has it’s own unique way of demonstrating this. Take ‘Black Oake’ for example. After six minutes of aggression, we are suddenly on a rollercoaster of emotions. Pulsating anger is replaced with serenity. Dual guitar harmonising replaces power. So far this has been one hell of a journey. And it hasn’t finished yet.
‘The Impotence Of Hope’ treats us to a perfectly executed introduction consisting of piano and acoustic guitar, followed by a depressing but majestic heavier riff as the track finally lifts off. This gives us our first listen to SP doing some proper singing which stands out hauntingly in the background. Yet another beautiful midway quiet section keeping this successful formula. No need to change, it’s too good. The thought process that has gone into each track just shows the strength and character of this band. It oozes from every pore.
As ‘Impotence’ comes to an abrupt end, all that is left to admire is ‘Knell Of Solemnity’. A 12 minute ballad of pure emotion and depression. Angelic keyboards help the song get through it’s initial stages before SP awakens again. You get the impression that this track is building up to a grand album finale and you can’t help but be enthralled by what’s to come. It’s haunting, almost church-like chords are perfect. After almost 7 minutes we are treated to yet another peaceful interlude. What helps the atmosphere of these interludes throughout the album is the superb production. It gives them more depth, more space if you will. More time to think. As the album finale hits us, I can’t help but look back to what I’ve heard over the last 50 minutes. It’s been pure Doom Metal perfection.
Track Listing:

1 – Deliquesce
2 – Black Oake
3 – The Impotence Of Hope
4 – Knell Of Solemnity
SP – Guitar / Vocals
KP – Bass / Vocals
SB – Keyboards / Piano
CC – Drums
NK – Guitar

- £15.30 (Audio CD)