.@malevolentcreat @DeProfundisBand @Scordaturaband @exilethetraitor show at @ AudioGlasgow reviewed by @AnybodyBC for @Planetmosh
If there is a smashing way to brighten up Monday, then it is with a concert and preferably, a death metal one. Glasgow just had this opportunity on 18th of August in Audio. The gig had five bands starting with Glaswegian bands and finishing with death metal greats from Florida – Malevolent Creation.

The first band to hit the stage that Monday night was Iniquitous Savagery – a local death metal four piece band. Young but very promising brutal death metal band for a late but smashing and quite technical set of only 20 minutes. Being incredibly sorry and thus in a hurry, band stormed in and stormed out so fast, that one could have easily missed this refreshing start to the evening.
“We are Exile The Traitor and we are on time, ha ha” – the vocalist of Exile The Traitor was in definitely great mood for the night and if the first band played quite a short set, then Exile The Traitor metallers vanished from the stage even quicker. It wasn’t really enough to get a little warmer, so but probably the tight gig line-up didn’t really leave many options.

Scordatura were next on the stage. Seriously, could anyone actually imagine this gig without them? They are a really strong brutal death metal band from Glasgow, capable of wiping their audience from the ground and make them move. One thing was quite strange and after a while, looking for the bass guitarist it became clear – he was not here. The band definitely had some recent changes, maybe will have some soon as well… They played six songs, including “Torment Of The Weak” and the audience looked pretty much ready for some more powerful stuff to come.
Talking about powerful music, De Profundis from London with their very technical and masterfully built metal were totally hypnotizing. Their 35 minutes long set with the legendary Death cover “Crystal Mountain” thrown in for good measure was fantastic. They added something that this gig really needed. A hell of a lot of expressions, energy and polished technique. Never mind the fact, that they had a temporary drummer on the stage, just because the original one could make it for the such sudden tour (the band was confirmed quite late instead of Resistance).

De Profundis setlist:
1. Intro
2. A Strange Awakening
3. Singularity
4. Delirium
5. Twisted Landscapes
6. Crystal Mountain
7. Illumination
Malevolent Creation was definitely the last brutal nail driven into the coffin lid for the evening. Wild and brutal death metal from the States, this 5 piece of experienced musicians made this night absolutely neck cracking and sucked all of the energy out from the fans in the club. Although the audience wasn’t big for the night but there were some truly devoted fans, who even stayed a little longer after the gig for a chat

with the band members. The Malevolent Creation show for the night turned out not last so long as well – about 45 minutes of death metal boiling finished up just in time for revellers to catch the last train home. If there was a smashing way to make Monday a brilliant day of the week, this was it. This entire show left Glasgow fueled by these energetic guys and their awesome local (and not so local) support!
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