Coincidentally released on Valentines Day, ‘Got A Thing Going On’, latest single from Matt Pearce And The Mutiny is four feisty testosterone fuelled minutes of rock and roll vibes whipped up even more by a catchy main riff and the near the knuckle raunchy lyrics.
It’s the first single taken from their upcoming second self produced studio album The Soul Food Store released via Mutinear Records on April 1st 2022. As well as playing guitar for Voodoo Six, his solo project sees Matt deliver a lecherous lead vocal on the single as well as two blazing guitar solos. An extra dose of sleaze in the choruses comes from the sultry backing vocals of Daliah Sherrington and sax appeal from the bold as brass bombast of Steve Beighton.
Purchase links to the single and other band links are here :- https://fanlink.to/gatgo I http://www.mattpearceandthemutiny.com I https://www.facebook.com/mattpearceguitar I https://twitter.com/mattpearceuk I https://www.instagram.com/mattpearceuk/ I https://www.youtube.com/mattpearceguitar I

- .99P