Louise from PlanetMosh caught up with Mira Slama, bass player from Savage Messiah for a quick chat/interview after their set at Manchester Academy 2, where they opened for Amon Amarth on their Deceiver of the Gods tour.

Louise from PlanetMosh with Mira from Savage Messiah, who have just opened for Amon Amarth. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
You guys met with PlanetMosh at Les Fest (2014) we interviewed three of the guys. Don’t know if you were one of them?
No I wasn’t there, or maybe I was there but didn’t say anything really.
Today I’ll just try and catch up with what you have done since then (interview here), otherwise we’re just going over old ground. Since we spoke to you back at Les Fest you’ve done a European tour.
Yeah, it went really well. We got very good crowds. Barcelona was packed. Some Spanish gigs, a gig in Italy and the Czech Republic. Went down really well so hopefully we’ll be doing another headlining tour.
Are the crowds any different over in Europe to the English crowds?
I guess so. We don’t play over in Europe as often as we do in the UK so we really enjoy it. I think it’s a better experience over there than here.
Playing in the Czech Republic, your home land. Was that good?
Yes, that was very good. A lot of my friends came down. We’re playing at a festival, headlining, in my home town in July so I’m looking forward to that one.

Your latest album was that out in April last year?
How’s that gone down?
It got really great reviews. It’s the best album so far of our band. I actually didn’t play on it.
How long have you been in the band?
I joined exactly a year ago so I was doing all the touring after the release.
Have you written anything since then, are we going to get any more releases coming in the near future?
We started writing a new record and hopefully we’ll get in the studio this year. We’ll see how it goes.
When you’re writing where do you get the inspiration from for your songs?
It’s generally our front-man. He comes up with some lyrics and we jam together.
So Dave writes all the lyrics and you all get together to do the music.

How come you came to be touring with Amon Amarth?
It’s amazing. I was a fan of theirs even before I started playing bass. All of the venues are quite small venues for Amon Amarth. Almost every night has sold out, so it’s awesome. To go in the venue and perform, it’s amazing.
It must have sold out tonight, it was absolutely packed up there.
We went on thirty minutes after the doors opened so people were still coming in.
Do you like Huntress?
Yeah, they’re good guys. I like their music. I hope we’re going to play with them again.
You got a couple of awards last year – Metal Hammer Golden God.
We were very happy that we got nominated because we didn’t expect it. I think it was one of our highlights of last year.
And then the British Phonographic Industry didn’t they give you a grant?
Yes, we were awarded a grant. Actually we were the first heavy metal band in history (to get the grant) so it was really good.
Oh wow! Has that opened doors for you?
We haven’t used the money yet but we will be using it on exports to Europe, some more albums and some bigger tours.
That’s good! So one of you guys was in the Molten Metal Rock Gods calendar. Who was that?
That was Joff, our guitarist. (Get the calendar on ebay here)
Would you ever do that?
I may well do it but I think it suits Joff because he’s got a great rock style.
Well maybe next year you’ll do us a big calendar of the whole band?
Would be good (laughs)

Then one of the guys was a cyclist, who’s that?
Dave, our front-man, it was the ride to Download. It was over three days for charity and raised quite a lot of money.
That’s good. Have you got any sporting ambitions?
Ah…. probably not (laughs)
So Andrea, is he Italian?
And you’re from the Czech Republic and Dave from London?
Dave is actually from Birmingham and Joff, Hastings they’re both English.
Quite a mix then.
It helps us to learn English, me and Andrea. I think it’s a good mix.
How long have you lived in England?
I’ve been here for three and a half years
Do you like living here?
It’s good but I look to go home at some point in the far future.
Do you think it’s good scene over here?
The metal here is more underground but it’s the birthplace of heavy metal so when I was deciding where to move I thought this was the best place to move to.

How come you came to join Savage Messiah?
I was starting a band with our guitar tech and we were rehearsing at the same studios as Savage Messiah and we became friends about two and half years ago. I was playing in another band and when I left the band I didn’t think I was going to play again but then the guys asked me if I would be able to fill in and after a couple of rehearsals I became a full member.
So you’ve got an album coming out is it likely to be 2015 or 2016?
Maybe 2016, we’ll see how the writing goes. We want to release it as soon as possible. We want to have another tour and keep on going.
Have you got any festivals lined up this year?
Not yet, we have this tour and a festival in Czech Republic as I mentioned before and that’s everything so far but we should be announcing some more soon.
So we’ll look out for another tour later this year. Thank you for speaking to PlanetMosh.
Thank you.
Links: –
Read PlanetMosh’s review of the gig here
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SavageMessiahMetal/
Website: http://www.savagemessiahofficial.com/