NAMELESS-Shapeshifter-Single Review-Planetmosh


Reviewed by:
On 20 May 2024
Last modified:20 May 2024


NAMELESS define heavy with their crushing new single 'Shapeshifter'.

Birmingham, UK based band NAMELESS and a new one to me spew out one of the most intense songs I’ve heard of in quite sometime, courtesy of their new, recently released single, ‘Shapeshifter’. How they cram in all these three minutes of suffocating bludgeon is beyond my comprehension! It’s a bass heavy bruiser that opens up with a stoner like groove that grinds and growls effortlessly towards a discordant midsection that has to be cranked up to eleven for maximum effect, turning on its axis midway with a preacher like lead vocal of melody and muscle for a visceral performance that heads off towards a cataclysmic outro. Job done!

They proclaim that their sound is of “90’s Nu-Metal with the sound of modern Hardcore. The song delves into the tumultuous aftermath of a narcissistic and volatile relationship, exploring the complex emotions of feeling like the antagonist, despite the intense love and resentment involved”

In 2023, they secured victory in Birmingham’s Metal To The Masses competition, earning them a coveted slot on the New Blood Stage at Bloodstock, in my opinion the most raging UK metal festival.

Band links are here :-

NAMELESS define heavy with their crushing new single 'Shapeshifter'.

About Dennis Jarman

Full time downtrodden album/gig reviewer and part time rock God!