Opening band Scar City were hit with an unfortunate blow just before going on stage, their guitarist (who was present) felt too unwell to be able to play the set. To be hit with this blow last minute would throw the best of bands, but with some tweaks to the set list, they decided to soldier on and did a good job of it too. Their heavy metal sound was well executed, with a mix of clean and scream vocals. Their set included forthcoming single ‘City Lights’, with a good little breakdown. I did prefer the song whose title I didn’t catch that preceded the single though. It is no doubt a gig that they would rather forget, for obvious reasons, but credit to them for continuing and not letting down their fans that had come along.
Eighties metal inspired Mia Klose was next up, this pretty Swede (aren’t they all?) certainly looked the part and was engaging to watch on stage. Her band equally fit well around her look wise and are good quality musicians who do exactly what is needed of them and allowing her to shine. Her third song ‘Living for Love’ and closing track ‘Never Too Late’ epitomised the sound of Mia and her band and clearly showed us who her influences are. Unfortunately, it was not easy to hear her vocals, but when she sang the ballad ‘Livin’ For Love‘ her vocals came through more clearly and showed her good tone and vocal strength, which suits her music well. I would have liked to hear her belt it out properly on her “song for the ladies” ‘Lady Killer’, but that was out of her control tonight.
Some people may find a lack of originality in artists like Mia, but for me it is a great tribute to those past artists that today’s musician wish to emulate them and I will endeavour to catch Mia again.
Meansteed are getting better with the more gigs that they play, they are a very energetic band and featured their now standard antics (for those who have seen them a few times) of singer/guitarist Matty Dorkings climbing on something, in this case the DJ booth and of lead guitarist Alison going for a wonder through the crowd on someone’s shoulders.
Their set list included ‘Weekend Warrior’, of which there were a few in tonight’s audience and a song declared by Matty to be as yet unfinished, so we could all sing along as it wouldn’t be wrong. Witty banter is well used by Meansteed’s Matty between songs and adds to an enjoyable show. He also dedicated a show about sexual violence to Mia Klose! Like Mia, Meansteed suffered from hard to hear vocals but this was made up for by the stage show Meansteed closed on crowd favourite ‘Engage the Rage’, by which time everyone was well and truly enjoying themselves.
Night By Night’s vocalist Henry Rundell hit the power scream from the off and did not falter or relent once through the band’s set, the opening of penultimate song ‘Never Die Again’ was proof of this. Not a bad note was heard. These guys have either put in some serious practice or simply just work very well together, for their playing was tight and crisp. Night By Night have a lot going for them, they finally have the formula right and are a very marketable band, both in terms of music and looks/image, if the right person just comes along.
Their set is energetic and there is great camaraderie between the band members and smiles are a plenty. Given the recent video release for ’The Moment’ this was undoubtedly a crowd favourite and one of the highlights of Night By Night’s set it’s mellow opening leads you to thinking we have a rock ballad on our hands, but this gives way to a hit of the drums by Damien, which makes us realise all may not be as it seem
s before they belt it out into a great rock number with some sweet guitar work from Ben Christo and Tom Daniel. Next up is a particular favourite of mine ‘Can’t Walk Away’ which has a gutsy rock chorus, which is a great sing-a-long moment for the audience.
The powerhouse rhythm section of Jonny Thornton (bass) and Damien truly come together and absolutely belt their instruments for the finale ‘Time to Escape’ an anthem of the band if I had to pick one and so concludes a blooming fantastic set. Night By Night are a band who deserve to be doing bigger and better things.
As if the night couldn’t get any better headliners New Device came out and proved that they too have finally got the mix of band members right and are on fantastic form. Bar three songs, their set is dedicated to their new album, for which tonight is the public launch concert. The first track to be featured off this album is the single ‘Save Your Life’, which received significant airplay on Scuzz TV when it was launched. A stonking track, with a great New Device style guitar solo from St Nick and it is clear to see why it has brought them an army of new fans. It’s an absolute belter.
‘Another Life’ is a more mellow track which appeared half way through the set and was a particular stand out track for it’s vocal harmonies, it also shows the great control and understanding that Dan Leigh has of his vocals. He knows how to get the best out of his voice and just how much and when to push it. He truly has a cracking rock vocal.
‘Here We Stand’ which follows is a lyrically poignant track for the band, Dan and Rozzy Ison (drums) in particular have been through a lot with New Device, but have ultimately fought through and are now back bigger and better than before and stand before us playing tracks from an album which has been worth all the hard work for it doesn’t have a dud track on it.
Nixx (bass), Matt (guitar) and St Nick may be the newest additions, but they truly complete this band and help make it what is, their energy is infections and like Night By Night before them, not a single band member stands still for any longer than they have to sing into a microphone. They all have their individual stage presences that add to their skilled musicianship and invite you in as a member of the audience to feed off their adrenaline.
The mellow verses of ‘Wreckage of Me’ emphasize the powerful, gutsy chorus with it’s hard guitar chords and dynamite charged rhythm section, this is certainly my favourite of the set for sure.
What is noticeable is the power in the sound that New Device have returned with; sometimes this comes in the form of a third guitar, other times it comes from the rhythm section and other times from Dan Leigh’s vocals. This is evident by the choice of tracks from their debut album than make it into tonight’s set, ‘Make My Day’, ‘Pedal to the Metal’ and debut single ‘Takin’ Over’ the latter of which is the closing track to tonight’s set. The time out to get the band together as a strong unit and to record their album has been time very well spent, as New Device now have something truly fantastic to offer the rock music fan and it is all packaged up here tonight on the stage at Boston Music Rooms. New Device are proof of why nothing beats seeing a band play live.