Bristol Thrash Metallers Onslaught return with their seventh studio album spanning an incredible thirty five years, and I must admit to my shame in confessing that I have never listened to an Onslaught album….until now.
I can’t believe what I have missed all these years. This album is brutal!! Dave Garnett’s opening growl in ‘Rise To Power ‘ is mesmerizing, as is the opening riff of ‘Strike Fast Strike Hard ‘. And strike hard it does. Classic old school British thrash at it’s best. It gallops along at a terrific pace and incorporates a great mid section, just like thrash should be. It’s forcefulness is it’s trump card. What a great track, as it’s leaves you dazed and confused just by it’s intensity.

‘Bow Down To The Clowns ‘ sports a beautiful chug from guitarists Wayne Dorman & Nige Rockett, accompanied by some frantic double bass work from James Perry. This is another track which flows like a dream with every little intricate part of it pulling at your attention throughout.
The title track starts as a more broody affair with great depth, but it isn’t long before the Onslaught horse is once again galloping at great speed. Watch out for the mid-section in this one. A proper pit mover and I must say that the drumming is really prominent on this album and it really does add to the album’s intensity and overall feel.
Onslaught are a juggernaut of great British thrash and it’s easy to understand why as each track is thrown towards you on this album. Each as good as the last with no room to catch your breathe. ‘All Seeing Eye ‘, ‘Addicted To The Smell Of Death ‘ and ‘Empires Fall ‘ all reek of class and tightness. The latter very similar in vein to Slayer’s ‘South Of Heaven ‘.
The album ends with ‘Religiousuicide ‘ and ‘A Perfect Day To Die ‘. The former a full on tirade of speed (check out the video link above), the latter a Rollercoaster of a track which sounds to me like it may well be the next single / video.
Honestly guys, this album is one of those album’s that should be heard as it’s perfect in Production, mixing, tunage and just about everything that makes an album great. Fantastic.
Track Listing:
1 – Rise To Power 2 – Strike Fast Strike Hard 3 – Bow Down To The Clowns 4 – Generation Antichrist 5 – All Seeing Eye
6 – Addicted To The Smell Of Death 7 – Empires Fall 8 – Religiousuicide 9 – A Perfect Day To Die
- £15.69 (CD)