Quebecoise four piece Outre-Tomb have released their third full length Abysse Mortifère on Temple Of Mystery Records.
If you know anything about Quebec, then you will know that it has produced some of the best and nastiest metal in the Canadian scene. Outre-Tomb is no exception to this rule, and the new album Abysse Mortifère hammers this point home right from the off.
This is raw, filthy and nasty blackened death metal. Feral vocals are reminiscent of Jeff Becerra on Possessed‘s equally raw debut “Seven Churches“, and also Martin Van Drunen of Asphyx tear into your ear drums. The riffs are harsh, thrashy, and punked-up. No drop tuning here – its scalpel-sharp tones cut through the drums which have that wonderful old school sound to them. No triggers!
Whatever they eat or drink in Quebec…
I think it’s called Poutine or something like that? Well, it certainly fuels a really cracking album here, that’s for sure. Delivering 9 tracks in 37 minutes, Abysse Mortifère, certainly does not exceed its welcome. Once again, it’s one of those albums that has had me playing it from start to finish straight away.
As song titles are all in French, I’m sure that the lyrics are too, but not having them to hand I cannot confirm this! Nevertheless, I don’t think you will be that bothered anyhow. Vocalist Crachat sounds like he’s possessed, and his demonic yowl is as much an instrument here as are the guitars and drums.
As I said, there are 9 tracks to this album, with only one – final track “Haruspex” exceeding the 5 minute mark. Also the title track “Abysse Mortifère” and “Haruspex” are the only tracks with any kind of intro to them. Every other track is out of the gates like a greyhound on amphetamines. Third track “Coupe Gorge” lights the afterburners and hurtles headlong into a thorough bludgeoning of the ears.
As subtle as a brick!
Yep, that’s the best way to sum this album up! It really lacks any subtlety, going for the jugular, and tearing it out with every track. If this kind of filthy racket is your thing, you cannot go wrong with this album. I’m loving it!

Track listing
- Abysse Mortifère
- Cenobytes
- Coupe Gorge
- Desossé
- Exsangue
- Tombeau de Glace
- Haut et Court
- Nécrophage
- Haruspex
- CD - $16 CAD